Joseph-Mary of the Eternal Wisdom
"As far as the Marian devotion, so we all need to be aware that this is not only a need of the heart, a sentimental inclination, but that it corresponds to the objective truth about the Mother of God. Mary is the New Eve, God made for the New Adam Christ."
(Pope John Paul II)
"This means we can's stop here this time and ask God for a true understanding of this Magnificat that it does not gloom alone and speak, but burn and live in body and soul. This grants us through the intercession of Mary Christ and the will of his dear mother Mary. Amen."
(Martin Luther)
O praise be to Jesus and Mary!
My friend, the praise for Jesus I can speak,
But with that I'm so all satisfied
And do not worry about Mary's fame.
Well, then, we speak of the Madonna,
As she is revealed in the beloved Bible.
That I do not know that the Bible reveals
Mary, the Bible only speaks of Jesus Christ.
Are you a scribe of Jesus Christ
And yet blind in some ways, my friend?
The Old Testament begins with Eve,
The New Covenant's Scriptures with Mary.
We both believe she was a virgin,
Who in a virginal way gave the Logos birth for us.
Yes, I confess also, a "young girl"
Is not enough said, yes, she was a virgin,
Who the Word of God by the Holy Spirit received.
But not the first of her sons
Has given birth, but the first-born,
The only-begotten Son of the Eternal Father,
Says Scripture and Tradition,
The early church fathers all were saying
And also your Martin Luther believed.
We Protestants believe this today
No more, we read of the brothers of Jesus.
In the light of Tradition considered
Which comes from the preaching of the apostles,
Are not these brothers Mary's sons.
Often the Scripture calls relatives brothers, as
Once Jacob called his uncle Laban brother.
I think, all this can not be proved.
But if you see Joseph, the husband
Of Mary, I ask how, my friend,
Whether he had consensual obligations,
Whether he had consensual rights,
I mean the relation with his wife?
What if God had reasonably expected Joseph,
If he'd have to live celibate!
I tell you, as Jesus said to Peter,
You are a nuisance, you mean what human
thoughts are and not what is divine! Just think,
Like Paul in his passion for Jesus
I said, well it is to have a wife,
But it is better to live celibate.
If you knew the early church, friend,
Then you knew how many men and women
To all carnal relation
Had included, brides her grooms
Had left to follow the Lord,
Virgin as the devout Paul,
Jesus chose as their bridegroom.
Now imagine, the Virgin gave birth
To the Word of the Father, our Redeemer,
Sanctified and blessed by the Lord
Was this virgin all her life,
Who to the Lord gave her yes as a maid.
And Joseph, was he not also sanctified?
Foster father of Jesus, he was for many years,
Foster father he of the Son of God the Father!
Shall he now in the desire of the flesh
Finishing what he started in the spirit?
That seems a too secular thought.
Oh, that's your veneration of saints!
I think Joseph and Mary for
Normal people, just like you and me,
I do not believe in the Immaculate Conception.
Oh, all have to be low and mean
As you and I and the world's children
And in the sentiments of the flesh
Like animals indulge, all the saints?
Look, the Scripture and the Holy Lord,
The Holy One of Israel, the king
And Saviour, the source of holiness,
The source also of your holiness, my friend,
Het should not sanctify his maid,
Who's determined to become a mother to him?
Three years wandered the Lord with Peter,
But thirty years lived Jesus Christ
In the house of his mother. Should he
Not have sanctified and blessed her,
Like the greeting of the angel Gabriel
Welcomes her as a grace of the Lord?
You are Protestant and do not know about grace?
About this greeting of the angel I've
To speak, for I know that you pray often
The Ave what I can not understand.
The Bible calls Mary beautiful,
But she did not say she was full of grace.
Here, beauty and grace were perhaps changed.
This could be done, O my linguistic genius,
So stilla maris became stella maris,
But leaving aside the fun, my friend.
As far as I know, Gabriel greeted Mary
As the favored one. How true,
Because the grace of God in person
Descended into her virgin womb
And dwelt in it, the grace of God,
I mean Jesus Christ, God's grace.
Is there anything you wonder about, my friend,
If I the Virgin who was pregnant,
The gracious call, and full of grace?
Well, because of that! I can understand,
Although the title full of grace yet
Can appear as if the maid Mary
On her own merits were full of grace,
So full of grace, as only God is!
That's the mystery, my friend,
Is the mystery of the incarnation
The Logos is the grace of God now
And wants to be listened by all the people,
That all we who were without grace,
Because Adam and Eve forfeited us,
We are all full of grace through
The divine union in Jesus
With the humanity, with the flesh.
So says Saint Peter in his letter,
That we must have faith to share
The divine nature of Jesus.
You talk weird, but I mean,
This applies to all disciples of Jesus Christ
And does not apply to Mary alone.
What I want to tell you is that Mary
Was the first disciple of Jesus,
Who said yes to Jesus in humility,
Who said yes to receive Jesus,
Who said yes, and give birth to Jesus.
We all, when we are converted to Jesus
And have said yes to our salvation and savior,
We all just follow Mary,
Who did it the first time, as our model.
That you Maria call disciple of Jesus
And handmaid of the Lord and the Virgin-Mother,
I share in theological
Consideration when I to God alone
Send prayers and to Mary not.
But you come up with the title Mother of God,
So I almost hear idolaters,
Who beore our times the Magna Mater worshiped,
They indeed called ger the mother of the gods.
Mother of God, not immersed
Literally in the Gospel,
But has at the Council of Ephesus
The Old Church the Mother of Jesus
Called to talk clear about Jesus' divinity.
Yes, the Council of Ephesus, degree right!
Paul also came one day to Ephesus,
Then cried the worshipers of their goddess,
Great is Diana of Ephesus!
Five hundred years later, they cried out,
How great and glorious is the Mother of God!
Mary seems to me the Catholic
Diana under a new name.
I honor here the purity of thy zeal,
Because your heart hates the idolatry.
But you do not know the old church rightly.
She fought against heresy, since the
Gnosticism denied the truth
Of two natures in the person of the Lord.
The one heresy was, that the deity of the Logos
Never truly become flesh in Mary
And never died on the cross for our salvation,
The other heresy was the humanity of Jesus,
That he was only a good man, a body and a soul,
They denied the divinity of Jesus Christ,
As do the Jews and Muslims.
But the holy Church defined:
The Word became flesh in Mary!
Mary is the Son of God's Mother,
Is the gospel called mother of Jesus,
But to Jesus, God from true God,
Is Saint Mary God-child-bearer,
Theotokos, Mother of God, we say.
You yourself once before my own ears
Truly proved from Scripture
The divinity of Jesus, therefore, look forward yet:
The title Mother of God testifies this truth.
So one can say if he to God alone
Even in his Son Jesus gives honor.
But you honor the mother besides God
And give her honor, which only belongs to God.
Worship is solely due to the Lord!
We do not so, on the contrary, the Church
At the time of the Council of Ephesus
Fought against those women in the church,
Who had worshiped Mary
As a goddess, godhead the same as the Lord.
No, just read all Church theologians,
They all say that Mary is only
Creature, and what she is, she is by grace.
But you pray the greeting of Mary,
The Ave always in the rosary,
That seems to me, my friend, you babble like the Gentiles.
Excellent, dear friend, we are now back
In the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Because thou knewest the Rosary,
You knew it is a meditation
Of the gospel of Jesus Christ,
Through the eyes of Mary considered.
We share only the Mother of God's joy,
Who Jesus once born in Bethlehem,
We share only the Mother of God's pain,
Who suffered with the Lord on Calvary,
We share only the Mother of God's rejoicing,
She was sitting at Pentecost in the midst of the circle.
We meditate Jesus Christ's life,
The happiness and the sufferings and the glory,
Nature and grace and transfiguration of Jesus,
And always through the eyes of his mother.
For this we use the words of
The Gospel, the Angel's Greeting
And the greeting of Saint Elizabeth
And add: Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners now and in the hour of our death!
And that degree of Annex bothers me so so much.
Why do not you sit in your house circuit,
Where one for the other prays
And asks God for the graces desired?
I know how Martin Luther was sad
And wrote to his friends in the Lord:
I have many people brought consolation,
Now I'm sad and languish,
I pray you, O requests but for me
To God, that I will get a right comfort.
What should not I ask Mary, my friend,
That God's handmaid begs for my sins
To God and implores me much abundant graces?
The distinction that you've forgotten,
Is that of Luther's friends all lived,
But Mary is dead and in the hereafter.
And Moses said, we shall not call the dead
Like the hag of Endor did.
So cool, my friend, do you love the heaven?
Instead of the heaven you talk about the hereafter?
Sp else just talk occultists, my friend,
But we say, Heaven and Paradise!
Do you think Mary was in Hades
As Samuel, when Saul wanted to evoke him,
In Sheol? Has Jesus really died
For the eternal life of all his disciples?
But Mary, who geave birth to the Lord,
Was the first of all his disciples!
Look, Peter fled in front of the hill of Golgotha,
But Mary stood with the Lord on the cross.
Look, Paul himself persecuted the church,
But Jesus Christ lived thirty years
In his mother's house, she was faithful to him.
John himself, the friend of God's love,
Called fire of judgement down once,
But Mary asked Jesus at Cana,
He may bestow the wedding people wine.
Mary Magdalene was the girlfriend
Of the Lord, she was a great sinner,
The risen Lord met her first,
But nothing of the Virgin is preserved,
What could have a blemish on it.
She is in heaven, believe me, my friend!
As Christians pray for each other on earth,
We ask the Christians in the heavens
To pray to God for us, the pilgrims to Zion.
Back to the Gospel, my friend.
You yourself spoke of the festival at Cana.
Mary asked Jesus for a miracle there,
And I look in my Luther Bible,
So Jesus was saying to his mother:
Woman, what have I to do with you?
In honor of the poet Luther,
Yes, his Bible is so highly poetic,
I, too, think she is more beautiful than the others,
Particularly the Psalms are beautiful.
That does not mean that Luther made no mistakes.
God said one day at Sinai his decrees
And said, honor the father and the mother!
And Jesus, who was without sin,
He honored his father, God,
And his mother too, which is Mary.
Well, speaks so a son to his mother?
No! Literally translated, it means: "What are you to me?"
The catholic bible translates:
What do you want from me, O woman? And that,
My Friend, is it, what Solomon asked one day
The Queen Bathsheba as she spoke
For Adonia because of Abishag.
So Ahaschverus also asked Esther,
Who spoke for the Chosen People.
Mary asks here for our joy,
The wedding joy and pleasure of wine.
You see, the Lord fulfilled her wish
And did his first miracle according to her wish.
Mary, what saith Mary
To those gifts? Do what Jesus says!
So she said, as she says even today!
And you call the catholic translation,
Where Luther woman said, she says but also women.
Jesus said woman, he did not say mother.
Was he so not in distance
And so Mary simply classified
And add her to God's people and preferred her not
As it always seems to me with you?
In a sense, yes, for our sakes.
Do you believe that Jesus Peter loved dearly?
I believe that Jesus loved Peter intimately.
And has the Lord not once said to Peter,
Depart from me, Satan, an offense to me!
He said to Peter then this word:
You mean what is human and not what is divine!
Because Peter did not want that Christ suffered,
But Christ would suffer, yes, he wanted
Voluntary his suffering, in free will he died!
Because human is the fear of the cross and death,
But divine the passion is on the cross!
What does that have to do with Mary?
It is the same. Jesus says: O woman!
For she is in the order of God
A creature, is a woman who loves Jesus,
Who Jesus asks, our Lord and God,
As we also ask our Lord and God.
It is said, for our sake she did so.
We do not build so on nature and flesh,
We rely solely on the grace of Jesus.
So Jesus also taught Mary here:
You should not be based on the nature,
You should be based solely on grace.
Mary was indeed on the pilgrimage
Of faith, she lived in the faith's night
And not in the Pure Vision of God's light.
At first she did not understand the words,
The voice of the boy Jesus in the temple,
But the Scripture says, she kept the words,
Moving the words in the heart,
Our model in this respect that
We Jesus' words that we do not understand
Keep in your mind and move them
And do not reject them in our foolishness,
Because God's Spirit will enlighten us,
Jesus gives a favor after another.
Thus Mary grew in her faith
And kept saying yes to Jesus.
But take only the place in Scripture,
Where the mother of Jesus and his brothers came
To see Jesus, wanted to talk to Jesus.
But he said to his disciples:
Whoever does the will of God is my mother,
Whoever does the will of God is my brother,
Whoever does the will of God is my sister.
And, Mary did not occur to him!
Alas, that is not funny, so you don't even know!
Not because she is his mother according to the flesh
She has given birth in the flesh, she is
The Mother of Jesus in the order of grace,
But because she did God the Father's will.
Once when the Lord spoke to Abraham and Sara
Entered in the grove of Mamre before the tabernacle,
The Lord promised them both a son,
Even though Sara counted ninety years,
Sara laughed, because she did not believe.
And yet Paul Sara called our mother,
We are children of Sara and not of Hagar.
But when God the Angel Gabriel
Sent to the Virgin and he spoke to her:
You will bear the Son of God, O Virgin,
You will not know any man, God's Spirit
The Son of God produces in you, o Virgin -
Was this not a miracle more than Sara's?
What did because the virgin? Look, she said,
I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me
According to God's word and will! Did she not
Purely the will of God our father?
And when she gave birth the Lord and Saviour
And when she moved away with him to Egypt
And when she brought him up in Nazareth
And when she lived thirty years with him,
He was circumcised in the temple,
The priest and the prophet Simeon
Cried out As he had Jesus in his arms,
To the pascha-feast she led him, as she Jesus
Followed in Kana, to Jerusalem,
And as she stood on the hill of Golgotha
And suffered pain at her son's sacrifice
And when she accepted John also
As a son and was a mother to the disciple,
As Jesus wanted on his cross,
And when she after the Ascension of the Lord
Sat with the Holy Apostles
And Mary Magdalene and the other women
And remained in prayer to God,
And when she also received the Spirit of the Lord
At Pentecost in the circle of the apostles -
O friend, did she not always God's will?
Who was ever obedient like Mary?
And now remember, as Jesus says:
Whoever does the will of God is my mother!
Mother she is in the order of his grace,
Not only by nature. This about this scene.
Well, she was probably a disciple.
Now I want to ask you something.
I stayed long on in your churches
And heard a sermon preaching, heard
The least known stories
Of the Old Testament in a new interpretation.
But who has ever preached about the mother,
Jesus has given us, our Lord?
By saying to God the Father Yes,
She was overshadowed by the Spirit!
And if you discuss each scripture
In your Bible studies, why never
The words, the angel to Mary
Had spoken, and the Virgin replied,
And never the jubilee of Elizabeth:
How hopped by the voice of thy salutation
The child in my womb, O Mary,
You are blessed among all women!
How is it to me, that the mother of my Lord
Occurs to me in my poor hut?
Indeed, Mary, you are blessed because
You believed in the promises of the Lord!
Why you never ponder over Simeon,
Who to the mother of Jesus spoke the word:
A sword will pierce your soul through!
You often said about Pauls thorn in the flesh,
You often said of Jesus' crown of thorns,
I never heard you say of the sword in Mary's soul!
Art is long, life is short, my friend,
And if I will tell you all the miracles of Jesus,
The universe does not conceive the books.
No, sorry, I am not accord!
I was in your young churches
And hear your cheering God
The Father, Jesus and the Spirit,
But if one heard of the Magnificat,
He grimaced as snakes.
My spirit rejoices in God's greatness and
My soul rejoices in my Savior!
Is this not that a beautiful hymn?
This praise to God, ye have never sung!
You had forgotten even Luther's work,
Where he designed the Magnificat.
Ask Lutherans, Evangelicals
And Charismatics: Who knows the work?
But Martin Luther had all his life
An image of Mary hanging in his chamber
And Bach had made music in honor of her.
They were just still so half Catholics.
How? Your holy apostle Luther
And God Musicus Johannes Bach
Residue you to the great whore of Babylon?...
Sola scriptura, sola gratia!
Just think of Mary's great praise,
The charismatic reprieved
Singing, as he wrote in the Scriptures:
From now on they will bless me,
The children and grandchildren all!
Mary was a prophetess! Yes, we praise
Her saved! Where is your beatitude
Of Mary, who married the Holy Spirit !?
I hold it there with Paul, who was talking about
Alone Christ crucified!
Well, my friend, we consider the crucifixion,
As it tells us the beloved Bible.
Do you agree that all examples
For us, written, yes, for all time,
That no detail of the crucifixion of the Lord
By chance is told and irrelevant?
As for me, I'm a biblicist
And believe that the inspired writings
From the Spirit of God are, for our salvation,
That the world recognizes the savior Jesus!
I think so too, the gospel
Is written by the Holy Spirit for us,
But we should consider it not only
In his letters out, but in the spirit!
But I think only what is written.
Well, then! Jesus went to Calvary,
With free will to accept suffering upon himself,
He suffered the holy Passion, he suffered
The flight of friends, suffered the denial of Peter,
These were suffering of his soul,
It was more bitter than the pain
Of his flesh. And it had comforted him,
If someone would have kept him faithful,
Even when it came to the crosses suffering?
Alas, many liked him following to Tabor,
But who followed Jesus to Calvary?
And in the scripture John says, Magdalene
And the mother of Jesus were faithful
And stood under the cross at Calvary.
You want Maria certainly consider,
I think only of Christ on the cross.
Yes, because we were not unanimous, friend,
That no detail of the Gospel
Is written in vain, only random and accessory?
John, Mary Magdalene and Mary
Are not just decoration for religious painter,
No, God's Spirit as Archpoet
Will tell us the crucifixion of the Lord
In loving relationship with humans.
John and Magdalena are there
As a deputy, friend, for you and me,
As an holy example, for our instruction.
When Christ then suffered from the cross,
O brother, he also suffered for you and me!
Indeed, I've realized, I'm a sinner,
So I'll kick in Mary Magdalene
To the Cross of Christ, barrel Christ's feet,
Moisten it again with my tears
And suffer with the Lord in his sufferings
And loving the Son in humiliation,
Teams with my fiance
By hot tears and hot love!
Decide you now and feel like John!
Then I would be Jesus' beloved disciple,
John, whom Jesus Christ loved!
That you are, Jesus' beloved disciple!
Do you hear what Jesus said to John?
John, see Mary, your mother,
Mary, see John, your son!
Jesus said this only to the Son of Thunder,
Only to the son of Zebedee, the fisherman?
He thought little at you also, disciples of Jesus?
This one will probably never be able to prove.
Look, Paul was slapped by Satan
And implored the Lord three times to spare him,
Then the Lord said to him, as his God said:
My grace is sufficient for you,
For my power is made perfect in weakness!
Now you adopt that in your churches
And sing to God's grace, that will do all,
In my weakness, I am strong in the Lord!
If God that not only to Paul said,
Rather, you say it to this day, O christian,
What is true of the word of Christ from the Cross
As a testament to the beloved disciple said,
When Christ did not say it for you, O christian!?
Mary will now be my mother?
I know you are quite mad about mothers,
The Church of Roma's to you a mother,
Theology is the mother of Sciences,
Mary is now the mother of all Christians?
No, it's not fair and is not in love,
That you motherhood so reproachest before God.
Do not tell the Spirit through the prophet, God,
So says Isaiah, consoles like a mother!
And the Psalmist in praise of a psalm:
As like a kid in his mother's arms
My soul is in the arms of God!
And Solomon and Ecclesiasticus said
The wisdom of God is like a mother.
Look, Eve was named the first woman,
The mother of all living; she fell,
Because she spoke her No to God's love;
Mary said her Yes to God
And became the mother of Jesus. but Jesus
Is our life, eternal life's plenty.
I think also that Mary
Is te mother of Jesus, our live.
But why should she be mine?
Sankt Augustin, Martin Luther estimated,
Once spoke about the totus Christ,
That is, the whole Christ. As you know,
Jesus Christ is also called the head,
The church is the body of Christ.
Yes, the community of all believers
Is Jesus' body, I will confess,
And every disciple is a member of this body.
And may it be that now the Head, the Lord,
Had God the Father - God is our Father -
And Mary had also as his mother, but
Mary would not now be your mother?
Head and body are not a mystery,
With God the Father, Mary the Mother?
Where it is written, you theologian?
Did not tell Jesus, the Word is like a mustard seed
And becomes a tree, the birds nest in it?
Fundamentalism is a mustard seed,
The doctrine of the church is a tree of life.
And if Jesus Christ from the Cross
Mary to every Christian gave as a mother,
So I'm adopted? is it a parable?
God said one day from Mount Sinai:
You shall honor father and mother!
Now I think you're a devout Christian,
And honourest him who testified your body,
And her also who had born you?
Yes, father and and mother are worth it.
Now you also believe that we love to talk
From your new birth in the conversion,
That God the Father to you is your father.
Yes, because God is more father to you
Then your mortal producer?
God is my Father for all eternity!
And since Mary so in obedience
To God's Word life gave for our sake,
So that the Word in the flesh could die on the cross,
That we have eternal life,
Why do you fight against her title of a mother?
What do I know whether Mary loves me?
Whence then you know that Jesus loves you?
I know from the Scriptures, for it is written,
He loved me till death on the cross!
And that's all, just because of the letters?
Not just because of it is written,
The gospel I daily feel in prayer.
So sometimes greet only the Mother of God
With that Ave, which said the angel,
And she will prove her love to you.
But she has not suffered for me as my Lord.
You know very little of the mother's heart.
Remember at your own mother
And think, it would look the same:
The godless torture you as a Christian,
All your limbs would be torn,
They laugh at you, mocking
Your suffering, your love of the Father,
And taunted you, you would forgive the enemies,
And they hammer nails through your hands and feet,
Pierced you with a sword through the heart,
And you think, while you suffered so
As a witness to the love of God,
As if God the Father forsook you,
You scream in your life annuities and anguish:
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me! -
What would going on inside your mother,
Who you had born the flesh suffering there,
Who your soul knows like no one else,
Who loved you like no one else on earth,
She suffers! Do you believe me, O my friend?
Mary has probably suffered under the cross.
And you know suffering brings the effects
And the fruits of such heartache?
Look at the history of the church,
The blood of the martyrs is established,
Wherever died martyrs,
Growth then the love of the Lord.
As once suffered Stephen and
How great was his love of enemies!
What Paul had yet to suffer for Jesus
And how so great was his love,
He would rather be condemned by God,
As that only one of his disciples would fall
Through sin into eternal damnation.
Do you know John of the Cross also,
I mean the mystic from Spain.
His life was a suffering for the Lord,
He had suffered from false brothers
And suffered from abandonment by God,
Because his love was so great,
He sung a second Song of Songs
From the divine-human association!
And you also know Therese of Lisieux,
Who the mystical night of nothingness suffered,
Had felt like the wicked who do not know God
And have no hope of heaven,
She suffered the sufferings of these poor souls,
As her love was so great
That she understand what is charity,
That she wanted to suffer by the love of God,
That she wanted to die in God's Love
And that she would be in the heart of the Church love!
And now Mary! Imagine her sufferings,
Her suffering was a maternal compassion
With those boundless sufferings of Christ,
That to Mary Jeremiah's word
Fits from his lamentations:
You who passes by, you see my pain,
There is no pain ever like my pain!
O friend of the Lord, you feel now the love,
That lives for you in the heart of Mary?
She's with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
United by the co-suffering of a mother.
As Jesus suffered for all people,
She had also suffered for all people.
As Jesus Christ loves all people,
Thus Mary also loves all people!
Let me just sink a moment
In silent devotion, my brother in faith.
Once I got the Sistine Madonna
Of Raphael, I saw a beautiful picture,
And fall in love with this woman.
My dear, you're right, we call
Mary but also Our beloved Lady.
And that's all that is written
About Mary, whom you love, then?
You are in Israel teacher,
Do not know that more is written about her?
When Jesus rose from the dead
And ascended into the kingdom of heaven,
Then the disciples waited for the spirit,
Jesus Christ has indeed promised
The leader in the truth, comfort and support.
Since then sat the Holy Apostles
With Magdalene and the other women
And with the Mother of Jesus in the hall,
Unanimous and constant in prayer
Expecting the comfort of the whole world.
Probably incidental mention
Of Mary, I place here, of little importance.
A strange people, you biblicists,
Not one Iota you from Scripture lost
And do not read Marys name here.
No, in the early church of Jesus Christ
Let us see an image of our Church already,
We await the arrival of our Lord
And implore Jesus' arrival at all times.
But that is not the true Church alone,
Where pastors, teachers and preachers are,
The true Church of Christ alone is,
Where in the circle is the mother of Christ,
Mother of the Head and of the body mother.
Because the Holy Spirit as fire storm came
And roared through the house with tongues of fire.
Mary, overshadowed by the Spirit
At the Annunciation of the Lord and Saviour,
Was now again baptized by the Holy Spirit,
Baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost,
Therefore, the Church of Jesus called Mother
Maria the spouse of the Holy Spirit.
Can I not view the Catholic
Mary in the Gospel,
Not understand or even believe with the heart,
So I do believe you, at least, friend,
That you mean it honestly, honoring Mary
On your own faith in the Lord and God,
Of our both Lord, Jesus Christ.
You give Maria a lot of other titles,
That is to me nothing, my friend.
Another time I will explain more of it,
To the fundamentalist the foundations
Of catholic veneration of Saint Mary
To show more will I have for now.
Strive to learn and know Maria,
It will tell you the rest.
She lives and speaks from heaven to the Christians,
How should we go the way of Jesus,
My friend, we shall pray, pray, pray.
But now my tongue is dry to me.
I'll get the red wine from the basement.
Mankind shall hold a little foolishness benefit to me.
And let's drink hail to the beautiful women!