by Joseph Mary of the Eternal Wisdom
Ave stilla maris,
Ave stella maris,
Stella Matutina,
Domina, regina,
Ave sanct ancilla,
Ave maris stilla,
Ave consolatrix,
Ave O salvatrix,
Ave mater mea,
Ave mater dea,
Ave sponsa diva,
O Maria, viva!
So look now, so look,
How by a woman
Salvation is on earth.
Like a dry log
Was ready to burn,
Hot your heart must be!
Him, who all the world
Penetrates and receives,
Can see anyone.
But who knows love,
That burns in the heart,
As he alone it owns!
How could I call you,
Where can I find the stairs,
Where ascend, mother, to you!
With ardent prayers
To your throne to contact,
O mother, bliss it were for me!
As soon as I know the characters,
To reach you, mistress,
Characteristic I do not know the way to true happiness.
But I know this one,
That, mother, I am only yours,
Only your love set me free from suffering!
In blindness I was born,
In poverty I was chosen,
I am to weak to do good works of love.
In folly I am caught,
I was gone, gone away,
Instead forever to rest at your feet.
Forgive you your child,
O Mother, this sin,
You salvation, daughter of the morning light!
Probably there be bad sons
Born on earth,
But in a mother's love is no lack!
Many good pious sons,
O Queen, lovely one,
Are gathered around your motherly throne.
Of all those who live there
And loving surround you,
Am I your weakest and poorest son.
But I could never grasp,
You could have left me,
Never believe that Our Lady does not love me!
Probably there be bad sons
Born on earth,
But there is always a perfect mother!
O Mother of all worlds,
I must scold penitent,
That I do not always faithful worshiped you deeply,
That I have not often
By a pious gift
You increased your kingdom's temple treasury.
But do not compare me,
O Lady, are your characters
The love you have always turned to me!
Probably there be bad sons
Born on earth,
But always there is a dear mother!
To all the many gods,
Adored by vain scoffers,
To many goddesses I pray no more.
Just give me your mercy,
On my years think,
I bear sorrow in my life forever.
For nothing I'm no use,
Also, I do not have any support,
But you, O Mother, thou art gracious to me!
Where now shall U go?
To whom then I shall flee?
My salvation and happiness, O Lady, is in you!
Bind sinners
To you and pray
And be sweet, melon same,
And beg beggars
To you and they go
Gifted by you away rich.
This is the wage of love,
O Mother, to your son,
Where your message goes into his heart.
Who knows the wage of love,
The beloved son
Receives for the murmur of prayers to your?
Not without pain I want to be,
Not happy on earth,
Also, wisdom is not I implore for me.
Only one thing give me,
O Mother, that my life
Be unceasingly devoted to you!
O Lady of all women,
Let all thy names
Called by me, morning star,
O goddess, mother, virgin, bride of the Lord!
Dark Mother, to honor you in accordance with the cult,
To be a true believer I understand bad.
Would you therefore deny me your mercy,
So would you meet the just, O Mother.
In sorrow sunk, I commemorative yours,
O mother, sea imbued with pity!
I do not lie, my heart is pious and pure,
Only a man dying of thirst for his Lady!
A miracle you are, mother, no one is like you,
Because you're full of mercy for me.
The son is still so rich of errors,
The eternal mother not ever forget!
No sinner sins so much like me,
O sinless virgin, I love you!
Now you know I am a sinner, you know me
And what seems good, O goddess, do it!
Where, O mother, also your will
Henceforth on the way of life distracts me
Will everything be at my wealth,
Because my mind always commemorates you.
Of life full of pain, full of pains,
The suffering I suppose with joy,
If I inside, where I glow,
You, Black Goddess, can see.
Whether I go in sackcloth and ashes,
Whether beautifully adorn myself with jewels,
Whether I am in wild roots,
Whether rich crowned is my soul,
O mother, beauty or pain,
No matter what fate you choose,
If only you my heart
As your temple take to your apartment!
How can I worship you in a picture?
The whole cosmos is your jewelry alone!
Are temples where that would be worthy for you?
Heaven is the temple of you!
And I see sun, moon and crown of stars,
So I see you soaring in high distance,
I'll see you in the rose-garden's scent,
In the game of love of sweet spring air,
When the vines flourished from wine,
And in the turtle doves in the grove.
The Lady of Love like honeydew sweet,
The children smiles, the mothers kisses,
Think of the pious prayer and the wise thoughts,
The feelings of the Rosary are in you -
It is your beauty, your love's power!
It is in every creature of the earth
From your love, mother, a trace.
In winter or when the bilge awakes,
In broad daylight and in the dark night
Unfolded is nicely your wisdom's glory!
But we, mother, want to adore you
And look in the picture the beauty of the sublime.
But never is to be told your beauty,
The miracle of all, which can not be said!
You live in the spiritual reason, in the heart's depth,
We can look out to perceive you,
In our heart you want to reveal you!
I see you, Lady Wisdom, standing at the door,
No look is similar to your peeking,
I listen, I feel as if the mother was calling.
O First, you who have the power of God,
You mistress that precedes the mistresses!
O Queen of Heaven, full of God's power,
You who preceded saints and angels!
Your eye is vast and sublime,
It looks in the sky and it looks on the earth,
Look at your people and look at all the people!
Madonna, lioness in the kingdom of heaven,
O mistress, your power exceeds
In strength all the powers, strong woman!
The order of the culture that you donate,
Disclosed and unchanging,
Large is the rule of your order.
Your plan comprising is like the sea,
Includes your doing but all that is truly noble.
No saint can be compared with you!
Madonna, great mother, Empress
Of the South, which appears in the Doomsday!
You're the womb that bore us the sun,
Which gave us the blessing to become human gods,
The mother you, the womb of the morning,
You have born the Sun of Righteousness!
You bring us the kingdom at the end of the world,
Since you donate us wuth eternal rest!
Then there was this only One Being,
The Deity was and is and will be!
Madonna holds the stylus of the rapid writer,
Madonna wrote on tablets of the stars,
Madonna was thinking about God's Word,
Madonna knows of one and three and seven,
Madonna is the doctor of her people,
Madonna protects the lives of her children.
The melodies and the poems,
Which stored over a thousand years,
Are creations of the inspiring
Madonna, all true artists' muse.
O Mistress of what there really is,
O monarch, wearing beautifully the crown,
O mother alive in Rome,
She knows how to behave in her city,
O Queen, the great mother, lady,
Who in Fatima and Lourdes has revealed her!
Thou art, O Virgin, full of grace
And full of power to judge sin,
O woman, to bring the day of judgement,
To triumph in the kingdom of heaven!
Heroic Madonna, winner
In God's battles against evil!
You are the creator of the new covenant's people,
You women who serve all creatures,
You beloved woman who loves the Good Shepherd,
You are the shepherdess of all peoples!
The people are happy, woman, with you
And bow down before your glory
And always look at your face.
I praise the Madonna, whom the Lord God,
The Lord before all the other creatures honors!
He gave her the most precious of gifts:
An immaculate life on earth
And boundless grace as an ocean,
In the heavens a wreath of famed stars!
She is most honored Lady of all
The saints and angels in heaven.
Jesus Christ never made her to his slave,
He never took her the immaculate purity.
Even more: God himself respects her as a mother,
The Mother of God he made to a goddess!
Who wants to draw near, she is approaching full of love
And seams using him for his salvation.
Whom she favored with the gift of wisdom,
Projecting the Council of the pious people.
See, also on the last day of the world
She sitts at the right hand of Christ our judge!
Madonna said to the beloved Pope:
John Paul, your mental powers
I gave you, your wisdom is given to you by me
And you have looked with sweet love to me
And I have you relied on the See of Peter
And have given you your new name.
To the ends of the earth I
Have brought you, you unattainable high
Admirer of my Immaculate Heart.
My groom, to you have given the word,
Not to be killed by enemy's bullet,
Rather, in old age, full of days
In peace to go home to the Lord.
My groom, you shall always remain
The faithful spouse of your brown girl!
The poet is grateful to his mistress, his Lady:
Madonna, at the sea I was born,
At the gray sea at the end of the world.
But I do not have known your power
And have never murmured an Ave.
The Germans knew nothing of the Madonna
And they have never murmured an Ave.
But you, Madonna, Queen of souls,
You took me from the sheep with a glance -
You wish that I feed thy kids,
You brought me from the dikes on the sea
In your city, the city of the great mother,
And gavest me the wisdom's scepter.
Aphroditissa is not the sinful Venus of harlots,
Lest her is merciful, Urania call her!
A mother consecrated this picture of her husband, the wife,
Where they lived in love, where she bore sons.
Always multiplies, their salvation from you, Mary, began!
Thrice happy is the man who honors the Eternal God!
When the Virgin of Guadalupe saw the icon,
Said she, smiling to herself, Raphael painted me beautiful,
Michelangelo made me finished in marble,
But this image God created, verily, I'm looking so fine.
Aphroditissa Mary, Goldenn One, the beautiful I sing,
You standing on the heights of God's heavenly Zion,
Where she dominates everything, while the spiration of the Spirit
Carried her from the nightingale mountains at Ephesus or
From the valley of Jehoshaphat in the Judean Mount of Olives.
All the praying Hours with golden girdles
Did her joyfully greet in her ascension, celebrating
Wrapped it in the ethereal glowing clothes,
Did on her immortal head the crown of stars,
Put on her arm around the rosary of snow-white pearls,
Her gooseneck and breasts well pleasing to God
Adorned with shell bracelets and bags of myrrh,
As she is accompanied and decorates the house of the father.
As they decorated the pneumatic body of the Virgin,
Led her to the Heavenly. They saw and sang
Greeting hymns, prayed the Psalms. Each Blessed wish
To welcome her as a bride in the eternal dwelling,
Marveling at the beauty of the rose-crowned Madonna.
Hail, nice-looking virgin! Let me in the contest of the poets
My laurel win, bless my songs!
I'll always remember you and devise new hymns.
Smiling lover Aphroditissa, Lady of Heaven
And Earth, by countless hymns glorified,
Breathed by the Spirit, healing parturient, girlfriend of the lover,
Binding love with wisdom, Mother of eternal love!
Every salvation is from you, and you obey the souls.
About the fates you rule and are the queen of all
Heavenly beings, all who live there on fertile soil,
And the mistress of the essence of depth. Enthroned beside Christ!
Friend of the Mystical Supper and friend of the mystical marriage,
Mother of Fair Love, gracious mistress,
You love the prayers of the bridal chamber secret!
O Secret Revelation with veil and black hair,
Daughter of the Eternal Father, Ruler of the angels,
Eternal Virgin of the lovely word and holy wrath,
Giver of eternal love, desired friend of men,
The mortals, who you are tying to God with a golden band
And with the glow of love fulfill all the creatures!
Come, O daughter of heaven, where you may be getting now,
Whether on the heavenly Zion with your Holy Face
Or if you hoverest over the Vatican Temple
Or, if thou wilt walk in Medjugorje climes,
Where you all the years the virgins and blessed boys
Watch and listen them praising your beauty with songs
And prayers to you, O Blessed Virgin, and Jesus!
Come on, you only diva with beautiful holy face!
Pure heart, I call you with holy words.
Oh, lament the beloved Messiah! Dead is the Messiah!
Dead is the Messiah! It whine about him all the heavenly!
No purple robes flow around you anymore, Mary.
Straighten up and beat your breasts, grieving mistress!
Tell everyone, Mother of Sorrows: Dead is the Messiah!
Oh, lament the beloved Messiah! Dead is the Messiah!
On the desolate Calvary is the Messiah,
Heart and hands and feet pierced by the sting of death!
Weeping Mary, she groans about the Messiah,
Purple drops drizzle over the snow-white body,
Deep in the head, the eyes stare with dying sparks,
And it escapes the fragrant Rose of liliy-lips,
Ah, the diying lips are the sweet kisses kissing
Of Saint Mary, the Galilean Mistress, girls,
But the disciple eases the pain, kissing the feet,
But Messiah dies and does not feel the kisses on his feet.
Oh, lament the Messiah! It whine all the heavenly!
Cruel, deadly wound! You hit the heart of the Messiah!
But bleeding is also the wound in the heart of Mary!
According to the yell of the bulls of Bashan, jackals howl
And crying are Jerusalem's sources. but Mary
Rushes through the forests of Lebanon, open the flowing hair,
Unadorned, with bare feet, of thorns injured,
Holy Blood dropped on the bare feet of Mary!
Mount Lebanon and Jordan she wanders through with actions,
Gets in agony after the groom, Lord and lover!
He rises in the heart of the source of redeeming blood,
From the heart and the loin it pours. Woe to you, Messiah!
Woe to you, Heart of Mary! It whine all the heavenly!
She lost with the groom her own beauty,
For Mary was beautiful, as the Messiah loved her!
Oh, it faded the beauty of Mary with the Messiah!
All the mountains call, it call the oaks the Messiah
And the Jordan mourns the pain of the Mother of Sorrows,
Jordan resources in Mount Hermon weep the Messiah,
Painfully pass the roses of Sharon, the lily of the valleys,
When Mary wept and lamented with a sobbing voice:
Woe is me, Mary! Dead is the Messiah, Messiah is dead!
Sighing, the echo replies: Dead is, dead is the Messiah!
Ah, if not mourned about the sad lover Madonna,
Then she saw, looked at those five flowing wounds,
Then she saw the purple blood of the dying Saviour!
She cried, pleading with open arms: Beloved Messiah,
Live, live, that I refresh me in your love,
You hug and kiss me with kisses of your mouth as sweet!
Oh, wake up and kiss me once more, my Lord and lover!
Kiss me so long, Messiah, so long as the kisses live!
Until the last breath you in the mouth and my soul pours
Your eternal soul full super-sweet love,
I drink your love and shall preserve such mixed wine!
Oh, Sulamit is there, over there,
The Jordan River separates me from the target.
I want to her, I will love her freely,
But I threatened the crocodile.
I get into the Jordan flood
And float through the water to my sweetheart.
My heart is strong with ardor,
I am strong in hands and feet.
Love can be for Sulamit
Tight and strong as elated.
It is as if, like a love song,
She sings me the magic of water.
I am your sweetheart, your best,
I am thy own as the garden,
There are apple trees, fixed,
The gardener wants to see the rose.
The pond is lovely to look at,
Here we want to act in love,
The sweet westwind refreshes us
And tenderly walk through the garden.
My hand is in your hand,
My whole body is on fire,
My heart wants to call in the breast
With joy, because we are together.
Your word is sweet wine, saith the bride,
I want to sink into your word.
Am I just seen by you,
I never want to drink strong drinks.
Come on, golden one, you pay the golden songs,
That want nothing seemly as round dances,
The beaming over rejoices in the dark
And dance is glad and happy songs sound.
Come, walk with the wine to the party,
To the hall of delight, cheery people.
Take the order, the law is clear,
There is nothing here of unsatisfied desires.
Princess, totally give yourself,
The Prince votive offerings donates,
The priests sing from the Breviary,
The sages suggest you out of parchments.
You celebrate with dancers dances
To tambourines and flutes to loud.
The girls pose in flower wreaths,
Good for you adorns the chosen bride.
You sing drunken in all countries
Until the dawn of the blood of the vine.
The Bedouins with their belts soround you
And Nubians play with the rods.
The Libyans climb the cedars,
The bearded priest greets you from Israel.
You bless the Ibis with the spirit's spring,
You run like sweet gazelles quickly.
The eagles put you on their wings,
You sneak around the black cats,
You sing the last song of the swan,
Get enough of the Lion of Judah his paws!
To the Crucified woe is being sued:
My son, my son! so there are complaints about him,
My Christ Jesus! there are complaints about him,
My priest and anointed! He is being sued!
From that time, when Mary gave him birth,
In Bethlehem and Rama are complaints,
The house of the Lord complains woe, woe,
The city of the Lord complains woe, woe,
The lawsuit is the woe to Jesse's tribe,
The lawsuit is the woe to treasure and pearl,
The lawsuit is the woe for bread and wine,
The lawsuit is the woe to our spouse,
The action is the action to the women,
The action is the action of the children,
The action is the action to the Jordan,
The action is the action around the vineyard,
Is suit to the Sea of Galilee,
Is this lawsuit by the torrent of Jabbok,
Is suit to the forest of Lebanon,
Is suit to the desert of Judea,
Is suit to the garden of paradise,
Is suit to the womb, the cup of mixed wine,
Is suit to Jerusalem, the Bride!
We consecrate the house and two women bathed their bodies, with elaborately braided hair, with cymbals and drums. In the arms of the two women named Mary and Mary Magdalene their name were written. They sing the following song. You should have called three times: Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!
The consecration of priests calls three times:
Come and betroth heaven and earth!
The mourners of Jerusalem sing this song:
I've cleaned sin-stained lips,
I've smoked incense on the coals,
I have to confess, I am blessed and holy!
I smoked with incense in the temple,
The mixture according to the measure of the sanctuary;
Like Moses in the law concerning us.
How glorious is the resurrection of Christ!
How festive is the resurrection of Christ!
How beautiful is the resurrection of Christ!
The priest calls three times:
Come and betroth heaven and earth!
The suit women call three times:
Cheers from heaven to earth!
The priest recite three times:
Maranata! Come, Lord Jesus!
The suit women call three times:
Cheers from heaven to earth!
Clapp your hands.
The priest and the mourning women call three times:
Heaven and earth are united and cheering!
The Lord is in his Church!
Do not be afraid!
Mary sings:
O come to your church, Jesus Christ,
O come to your church, most-beloved!
O young man, watch the Virgin in the church,
The woman is your bride, O Lord and husband!
Do not forsake me, you gorgeous handsome youth!
O come to your church! Lord, where are you?
I want to see you face to face,
I'm looking for your face, to behold thy face!
Oh that I could look at your face,
You are the most-beloved of your bride, O Jesus!
It is happiness to look at you forever,
Happiness to know you forever!
O come to your church that loves you!
You are the Supreme Being, holy face,
You have creative wisdom and the glow of love!
O come to your bride, O Well-Beloved!
O thou be the Son of God, I am the daughter of God!
You stay with me until the end of the world!
You look at the Saints and Angels
And cry, because they see her mother crying!
I call tearfully to the empyrean,
Hear my prayer, O Eternal Father!
I am the woman beloved on earth,
I am your eternal lover, my husband!
The women with beautiful black hair sing:
O fair youth, come to your church!
How far are you away from your church?
Although still in her holy angels and
Celebrating the sacrifice and singing the liturgy?
I'm the bride, the groom is ready,
I am your bride and your sister, Jesus,
Come soon, Lord Jesus, Maranata, O Christ!
Now is not the time of vision, O Lord,
Soon, however, I want to see your face!
I walk in the dark night of faith,
Although the sun is shining in the sky.
Under the cross are united heaven and earth,
Night dark arches over the world.
My heart is burning, because you went away,
My heart is kindled, because you left me!
Have you locked your mercy in anger,
Because I am so full of sins of the flesh?
The temples are deserted, the altars,
Treading no one of the pilgrimage routes.
I'm looking for your face, to behold thy face!
I weep for your love, please, love me!
Lover, love me violently and often and long!
Oh, do not stay alone in the kingdom of heaven;
Oh, do not stay away from me, lover Jesus!
My Lord, you are now close to me,
I look at you, your dress is cinnamon,
Welcome to the girl,
She pleases the angelic beings.
You return to your bride,
Your heart beats hot, we delight in you!
I cherish you, you're close to me!
Your face is the beauty of God!
Come soon, my love, come to us,
We survived the heart, you are close to us.
The men call piously for you,
The women call piously for you,
Longing that you approach them!
The one you love is the light of life,
Do not go to the darkness of death!
The community you love at the meal,
Do not go to the solitude of hell!
Where is, O son of the Lady,
The one you love at the wedding rejoicing?
Oh, you go to the land of silence,
Into the house of the darkness of death?
He who loves the cornfields,
He went down to Hades' kingdom.
He who loved the wedding wine,
Fainted from thirst on the cross!
Oh, the tears are never enough,
Persevering flows the river of tears!
He is, he was a corpse,
He left our world.
He assumes, leaves us alone.
My Lord! It's me, the Lady!
I wake your house with harp,
Stroll down with the love song!
It calls the Lady: The Lonely
Is groom and brother and companion.
O where are you going, son of the Lady,
Born yesterday, today you remove?
You go to those in the shadow of death,
To fields that are as solitude of the desert,
To the graves that are provided solely for the silence,
To oblivion's country that does not glorify God.
Lying there that will rise,
The party for the body should be solved,
Members of the body are to glorify,
The deep country is expected to rise into the air.
O waters of Belial, floods of death,
O Hades' realm of shadows, land of the dead,
O gate of death, Satan's iron gate:
The Lord, who is lord, give free the dead!
Mary sings:
Ghosts of limbo, all ye saints,
That you see the Lord in the realm of death,
Open to me the secret gate of death,
Let me see the Christ, resting in the grave!
Mary sings:
I will tread down the old serpent,
The old serpent attacks the Virgin.
Death shall not sray, death and devil,
They wanted to separate the groom and bride!
Mary sings:
I'm alone for all eternity?
My fiance, I hasten to meet you!
This is my pilgrimage through the world
And floating on the clouds in the sky!
The world, the peoples, all human souls,
They shall come all ro Our Lady
And weep with the mother of all pain:
My son, my son! O weep for Christ Jesus!
I am the bride, the wife of the Lord and Savior,
Of the bridegroom, who is in heaven!
Magdalene sings:
Come back to me, O Lord, who left me,
That you love me, bless the garden!
Oh my heart is flown away from me,
I will forever love you, my lover!
Do you go to heaven, I'll go with you!
I'm not afraid of death and devil!
O Anointed, unique you are,
From the heart breaks me feelings like Christ!
Magdalene sings:
Lord, you are walking on the Lethe,
To thee all Angels cry,
There cry for you the angels inside.
Let my soul be your soul!
From the devil is taken away the power,
The power and dominion is now of Christ!
Magdalene sings:
Lord, open to me, that I see the Father!
Remember me, my Jesus, my Love!
Demons were driven out through your words,
I was send by the Lord to be She-Apostle of the Apostles!
I was with you, O Lord, in Galilee,
Left the seven demons to follow you!
Give me your light, I shall behold the Father
By grace, Jesus, because I believe in you!
Mary was alone at the mercy shrine,
So I opened the curtain of the temple,
She entered the Holy of Holies, saw Yahweh -
She threw herself down on her face, praying:
I went into the holy of holies of heaven,
I sought him whom my soul loveth,
He spoke to me, I live by his words.
I went into the holy of holies of heaven,
The door was not closed,
I love the Lord and I am his beloved!