By Torsten Schwanke


When you look at a mare,

When you look at a stallion,

You have the idea of horse-ness,

Have the horse-itself in your mind.

When you look at a table,

A big one, a small one,

You have the idea of the table

In general in your mind.

But what are ideas?

General entities,

Existing in the spirit,

In the pure spirit of the Godhead.

How does the philosopher know

Of the nature of ideas?

Because before conception

They saw in the mirror of the Godhead!

All souls were once

Before the day of conception

In the heaven of ideas above,

Beheld God and the ideas!

But when they entered the dungeon

Of their bodies,

They forgot everything,

Had forgotten the idea!

But artists, philosophers

And lovers remember,

These drank not of Lethe

At the moment of conception.

Now when philosophers love,

In the beautiful child they love

The idea of pure beauty,

Look again at the idea.

When the philosopher is in love,

He gazes above the beautiful child

The idea of beauty, which

Is Urania, the goddess.

But are the ideas

Beings, spiritual-real?

Or are they in things

Only as a pure principle of form?

Are all earthly things

Built up from matter,

Which is a chaos, a substance,

Which is shaped by a form.

This form is in the substances,

Which they create from potency

Of matter to the thing,

To realisation, to act.

This form is in the human being

His soul, which builds up

His body,

So that he becomes a true life.

All things in the cosmos,

That somehow move,

Are moved by one cause,

This is the first mover.

This first mover is

First Cause of all things,

This is God, who gives to all things

Their goal in perfection.

But what is perfection?

That is perfection:

God is perfection,

God is also the goal of beings.

In the beings, in the things

Works the form that develops them.

This principle of becoming is

The entelechy of beings.

All beings develop

Thus through entelechy

To the state of perfection,

Where they are perfected in God.

God is therefore the first cause,

God is also the goal of all beings.

Soul is the form of the body,

God is the form of all souls.


When Horace in his youth

Sang to his golden lyre,

He followed the serene wisdom

Of Epicurus, exalting lust.

Pleasure, the highest virtue

Of a man on earth,

Is not frivolous lust,

Is the serenity of joy.

What does man need for joy?

Not a hall of marble columns,

But a green garden,

Where the happiness of friendship smiles.

Nor shall love of evil

Torture your soul,

But serve light maidens

With love's mirth.

Praise Venus! Praise Bacchus!

When thou hast tasted the wine,

Then Cupid will join in,

That sweet little rascal!

When Horace in his old age

Sang to his golden lyre,

He followed the earnest Stoa,

The cardinal virtues.

A cardinal virtue

Teaches you to remain moderate,

So even when drinking

Drink your cup Socratically.

A cardinal virtue

Is courage, but Horace

In war dropped his shield

And so fled.

A cardinal virtue

Is justice. Horace

Always looked at the great ship of state

With grave concern.

A cardinal virtue

Is prudence, and Horace

Was a sage, was a seer,

Sang his odes prophetically.

Of Virgil I know to say

That he was the poet of Advent

Was proclaiming the Church

Of Rome and the Messiah.

In the Fourth of the Eclogues

He praised a pure virgin,

Who will bear the offspring

Who will bring us paradise.

Jove as the great father

Of all gods, of all men,

Sang Virgil, who for our salvation

A saviour will send.

What the seer Moses wrote

Of the children of Israel,

Vergil, the seer, wrote also

Of the great son of Troy.

But who has so directed the fate

To Aeneas in such a way

So that he could found Rome,

The capital of all ecumenism?

It was his mother Venus,

Venus Genitrix, the goddess,

The personification

Of purest Providence.

For Vergil was a devout student

Of the learned Stoic school,

Praised the Providence,

God's first-born daughter.

Goddess Providence

Or Venus Genitrix,

She built Rome, there reigns

The longed-for world saviour,

Who in all ecumenism

Reigns als Caesar, this Son

Of God, the sublime.

Once, as the Sibyl said,

Over the Vatican was

A virgin who gave birth

The Son of God, the Saviour of the World,

Who reigns in Mother Rome.


Paul taught in Athens

In old times at the Areopagus,

Before the disciples of Epicurus

He spoke and to the Stoics.

But when he preached

Of the man Jesus Christ

And of his anastasis,

All the philosophers thought:

This one proclaims new gods,

A new god, the Christ,

A new goddess, too,

Namely, Anastasia!

But when Paul spoke

Of the resurrection of the flesh,

All the philosophers said,

Oh, you're a stupid talker!

We have known since Plato,

That the flesh is a prison,

Psyche is imprisoned in it!

Psyche can only be released,

When she is set free

From the dungeon of her flesh,

That is the immortality

Of Psyche in Elysium!

And in the kingdom of heaven

To imprison Psyche again

Into the dungeon of her flesh?

No, you are a grain-picker!

Psyche we want to free,

That's why the Stoics

Love very much the wise suicide,

To free the psyche!

But Pauli's sermon was listened to

By Damaris, the philosopher,

Damaris was a young cow,

Already sexually mature, not yet a mother.

But Pauli's sermon was listened to 

By Dionysius, the drunkard,

A Platonist who believed

In the God of the flesh.

This Dionysius

Is the father of all mysticism

In the pious West,

Is a great ecclesiastical teacher.

What can be said of God,

Is only what God is not.

God is not a mortal,

God is not bound by time,

God is not bound by space,

God has no beginning ever,

God has no end ever,

God has no human body,

God is neither man nor woman,

Is not seen by man,

God is a supergod,

Being above all existence.

God is of all hierarchy

Supreme Ruler, for

All thrones (or gods)

Pray to the Eternal,

Cherubim and Seraphim

Pray to the Eternal,

Principality and dominion serve

God the Most High always,

Gabriel and Michael

And Archangel Raphael

Serve ever the Eternal,

Their Most High Lord.

All the angels who protect us

Serve the Lord God at all times,

See the Unseen One,

Bringing his help to us.

In the church hierarchy

Reflects the hierarchy

Of all the angelic choirs above,

Namely, in the sacraments.

Baptism is the new birth

As an adopted child of God,

Confession is the sacrament

Of reconciliation with the Lord,

Confirmation is the sacrament

Of being filled with the Spirit,

Myron ointment, chrism ointment

Strengthens us with the Spirit of the Lord.

The Eucharist is Christ,

Union with him,

Marriage is a sacrament,

As one gives love to another,

Priestly ordination is the consecration

Of an alter ego of Christ,

Anointing of the sick is the healing

Of a Christian in distress.


Monica, the pious mother,

Loved as a young person

Wine above all things,

That was in her father's cellar.

When she went to the cellar

To fetch wine for her father,

She always drank of the wine,

Secretly from the daughter of the vine.

But God freed her

From the addiction to red wine.

Her liquid prayers

Were not flowing from the red wine,

Her liquid prayers

Were hot rivers of tears,

When they asked the Lord God

To deliver Augustine.

Thirty years she prayed,

She prayed the liquid prayers,

And Ambrose spoke,

Who was the bishop of Milan:

So many tears of a mother

Will surely be heard!

And indeed, Augustine

Heard a boy slurring:

Take and read! Take and read!

Augustine took the Bible,

Opened it and read the word:

Live not in the lusts

Of your heated flesh,

But put on the Christ!

Augustine was baptised,

Put on the baptismal garment of Christ.

His concubine's son

Also, Adeodatus was his name,

Was baptised in the church

By Ambrose of Milan.

Hail, Ambrose of Milan!

The Ambrosian

Hymns are still sung

Many hundreds of years later.

But Mother Monica

Felt that she must die,

And she came to her son

And met him in Ostia,

In the harbour near Rome.

And the mother said to the son,

Formerly I would be buried

By my husband's grave,

But now I care not,

Where my body will be buried,

Only when I am dead,

Let mass be said for me!

Monica and Augustine

Lovingly held each other

And considered all things,

Made by God,

And stripped away all that is finite,

What was temporal, what was spatial,

And so at last they beheld

In the spirit the Wisdom of God!

But Augustine spoke

Gloriously of eternity,

Not with one eye only

We behold the glory,

The vision of the Glory

Is not only a fixed looking,

But eternal enjoyment,

Where the Godhead we enjoy!

Yes, we shall be completely satisfied

And be so completely satisfied

By the beautiful love of God

And be loved by love,

Yet without weariness

Will we be satisfied,

But eternally we shall pine

For the pleasures of love!

Eternally we will be satisfied,

Eternally we will pine,

Eternally we will languish,

Eternally we will be satisfied!


Martin Luther studied

And he became a Bible teacher,

At the University 

Of Wittenberg he studied.

And he met William Ockham

Whom the Pope condemned,

For he was a heretic,

Yet Luther revered him.

These two heretics spoke

Not of a holy,

Apostolic and Catholic

Roman Ecclesia,

But of the Christianity

A universal Church.

For the popes, said those

Heretics, have often erred

And also the councils

Of the college of the Fathers

Have often falsified the word

And misinterpreted the Bible.

A thousand years of Christianity

Had erred, so said

Those heretics, but today

There would be no faith left.

When Christ comes again,

Will he still find on earth

Faith? Oh, not in the church,

In one man alone!

Popes and councils

And the Church went astray

And the faith was kept

By one monk alone.

This drunken German monk

Has drunk too much of the beer,

Said the Pope when he heard it,

Luther alone is still faithful.

All the world has fallen away

From the true Christian doctrine,

All alone keeps the faith

A drunken German monk!

What is a heretic?

And what is a cleric?

So my lady asked

Today on the feast of Christmas.

Luther is a heretic,

For he said that the Lord

Himself hardened Pharaoh

And condemned Pharaoh,

And then God's great power

Came on the children of Israel

Whom he brought

From the slavery of Egypt.

When the Lord condemned Pharaoh,

He himself hardened, himself condemned,

To lead the children of Israel

To the Promised Land,

Then God does the evil himself,

To bring about good,

Then in the Lord is evil,

As in the Lord is good.

Since in God is evil,

He hath ordained the wicked

To eternal damnation

And the good to salvation.

There is nothing man can do,

For either rides

Satan on his back or

Christ shows him grace.

If there is evil in God,

Predestination to evil,

Said the Lutheran Hegel,

Then God himself is dialectical,

Then God does evil in order

Thus to bring about the good,

Then to the Triune One

Comes the fourth of the persons

Lucifer, the fourth

He in the Trinity.

And the Lutheran woman,

Who studied Doctor Luther,

Fears that God condemns her,

That she is predestined

By the Lord God to hell,

So she falls into madness.


Francis de Sales in his youth

Suffered from the infernal thought,

That God predestined him

To perish in hell.

This is what Calvinists taught,

This is what Martin Luther taught,

Who man's free will

Rejected as a vile heretic.

Against Doctor Martin Luther

Wrote the glorious Erasmus

Of man's free will,

Confounding all minds.

If Christians no longer listen

To the church of the apostles,

They live in schism,

Come strange doctrines.

Francis de Sales stood in fear,

That God predestined him

To eternal damnation

And the torments of hell.

And he prayed to the Lord God,

Am I already damned to hell,

This life on earth

I will love thee with all my might.

But he found salvation

From the infernal thoughts

Through the mother of all graces,

Our Lady Mary.

Victress is Saint Mary

In all God's battles,

She alone conquers error,

She leads us to Jesus Christ.

When Francis de Sales consecrated himself

To Our Lady Mary,

The Mother freed him

From the Calvinist error.

God wants all men

To come to him in heaven.

To each one he gives abundant grace,

Free to choose God.

So he was ordained bishop

In the beautiful city of Geneva, where

Calvinism was in the minds

And the truth was obscured.

Francis became a preacher of truth,

Who the apostles' doctrine

Against Calvin well defended,

Against Luther well defended.

Luther once quarreled with Calvin,

Whether the bread, the wine of the table

Be the body, the blood of Christ

Or this only signify.

Calvin taught this error,

That the bread signified the Lord,

But that the Lord was not really

Present in the bread.

Luther said, In the bread is

Christ during prayer,

Through faith the Christ 

Is present in the cult.

But Francis de Sales taught,

What the Church of the Apostles

Taught from the beginning,

This bread becomes Corpus Christi.

Present in the host

Is the body, the blood, the soul

And the divinity of Jesus Christ,

As the Lord himself taught.

Francis, I would like to say this,

Had a girlfriend of the mind,

Who was Joan of Chantal

A widow in love with God.

I read his letters

To his girlfriend Joan the Pious,

Who after her married state

Consecrated herself to the Lord alone.

These pious love letters

Are very tender and Joan

Saw in Francis de Sales 

Her spiritual guide.


Hölderlin, the young poet,

Read the German philosophers,

Kant and his Prussian ethics

He read as his model of virtue.

Fichte and his I and non-I

And absolute freedom,

He also studied Hegel,

His doctrine of the world spirit.

He also read Schelling,

How the religion of truth

Needs new myths to dress.

Schiller and the ideals

He also studied and saw 

In Schiller his great master.

But above all philosophers

He loved the great Plato.

Hölderlin was hardly a German,

He was rather an old Greek.

Like the pious school of the Stoa

He loved the father ether

And the sun like the Greeks,

Plato's Urania

He loved as mother goddess,

Queen and Beloved.

And Empedocles, the wise,

He loved who sacrificed himself

To nature, who plunged loving

Nature into her womb.

Whether Hercules and Bacchus

Were heroes of his youth,

He also loved the Christ,

He saw in him the greatest hero.

When the world of young beauty

Perished in the storm of time,

God, the great Father,

Sent the Son, the beautiful hero.

He was so completely perfect,

That Hölderlin loved him

More than any other demigod

From Greek antiquity.

But when he came to Frankfurt

To the banker Gontard, in the house

To educate their boy

Henry, this fair lad

In the blond curly hair,

He saw the lady of the house,

Saw Suzette, the lovely one,

The Madonna of his soul.

And after this Madonna's head

He fashioned his work of art,

Was a household friend to his lady,

Whom he loved with a passion.

But his mistress's husband

Sent him from the house.

To Bordeaux he wandered,

Beheld lyre, swan and eagle

In the fair summer sky.

The Madonna of his soul

But was called home

By the God of her life.

Hölderlin became a madman,

Schizophrenic paranoia

Now plagued the high poet

And he lived completely alone

Thirty years in the tower,

In the tower of ivory,

Often played the piano,

As he cut the strings,

He changed his name 

To Scardanelli, wrote poems,

Called rare visitors

Pope and Emperor, his Highness,

Boys in the alleys laughed

At the confused poet,

Whose soul was benighted

And his nerves were shattered.

But what gentle beauty

Have his tower poems!

He wrote only to his mother,

To his old, pious mother,

My revered mother,

I am well. Now I must end.

I shall always be obedient,

Noble mother, your son.


Kierkegaard was one evening

In company, among people,

Witty, he knew how to chat

Like rockets explode,

He told good jokes

And many an anecdote

Of famous philosophers,

Poets or theologians,

He was gallant to noble ladies

And humorous to the children,

Drank red wine in moderation

And then went home happily.

But at home he was overcome

By a bottomless gloom,

Like nothingness in the abyss

The night of mourning lay before him.

This inheritance from his father

He could not overcome.

This bottomless gloom

Enveloped everything in mist,

Enveloped everything in grief

And hot tears streamed

And paralysed he lay on the ground

And only wanted to die!

But this black gloom

Made him a philosopher

Who distinguished truth from error,

Who saw through vanity.

This abysmal melancholy

Bordered on the absolute,

It broke away from vanity,

Carried me to the heart of God.

This Socrates of melancholy

Was lonely in Copenhagen,

Condemned to solitude

By the melancholy of his wisdom.

O Regine, why did

I part from thee, ah woe is me,

Who am all alone betrothed 

To Wisdom full of gloom?

O Regine, if I walk lonely

Here in Copenhagen

Through my Denmark in the mist,

Something is rotten in our state.

O Regine, an emptiness

Remains in my heart

And in my soul's wasteland

Thy black shadow walks about.

O Regine, I alone

With the Wisdom of my melancholy,

You alone with your heart

Full of feminine love!

O Regine, because my father

Bequeathed me this melancholy,

No lady can comfort me,

Because the Godhead does not comfort me.

O Regine, I have never

Like a Don Juan the women

As a seducer only conquered,

To abandon them in the next moment.

O Regine, I was never

Such a great connoisseur of women

And connoisseur of beautiful maidens

Like the father poet Goethe.

O Regine, never I was

Fit for a good marriage,

Our conjugal love

Would have become only ruin.

O Regine, my longing,

I must all alone in sorrow

Carry the passion of the soul

And can hope only in Christ.

O Regine, I leave you

A thousand times daily, hourly,

To marry me to Minerva,

To marry myself to Minerva!


The knowledge of the evening

Of a life, of all days,

Is the great pessimism

And the great resignation.

In the evening of his life

Said King Solomon,

All is vain on earth,

Nothingness of nothingness.

Everything is a puff, everything is a breath,

All is but a figment of the air,

All is futile on earth,

Meaningless under this sun.

True, one strives for Wisdom,

But Wisdom is very far away,

Is very deep, is unfathomable,

No one can find Wisdom.

Even laughter is so meaningless

And joy is so vain.

Why does one toil so much

With the work of his life?

Always one has created one's work,

Only to die in the end,

To leave the work

To people who are not wise.

Vanitates Vanitatem

Is the whole course of Latin.

Vanity of vanities

Is the whole reformation.

So drink thou thy wine,

So feed your flesh.

But he that is sorrowful,

Alas, he cannot enjoy either.

And what is the use of all this wisdom?

Even the foolish man must die

And the wise man must also die

And in the end it is nothing.

The knowledge of the morning

But, this is the knowledge,

As the cherubim know,

As the seraphim know.

In the morning you are on the summits,

The summits of this creation,

Angels in the splendour of the morning,

In the dew of the dawn.

Son of man, your sons

Are begotten by the Spirit

Like the fresh dew of the morning

From the womb of the dawn.

Morning glow of eternity,

Angels sing beautifully in choirs,

Who is that fair maiden

Who rises like the morning?

Morning glow of eternity!

Saint Mary is Aurora,

Who precedes Christ,

The Sun of Righteousness.

Jesus Christ speaks to all,

Look, I make all things new!

Christ is risen

Early on Sunday morning.

Look, I am making all things new!

Christ is risen,

We too shall rise:

Morning glories of eternity!

In the morning as of sweet wine

The apostles were drunk,

When the spirit with tongues of fire

Overshadowed the church.

Hallelujah, hallelujah,

Come, O spirit of fair love,

Singing praise and worship

Virgins in the young church.

Hallelujah, hallelujah,

Jesus is risen from death!

Hallelujah, hallelujah,

We too shall rise!


Russia under communism.

A young woman, a student,

Should write about

What was written on Lenin's grave.

But she did not know exactly:

Did it say that religion

Be an opium for the people

Or opium of the people.

And so she wrote her essay,

She handed it in and went to the grave,

And saw she had written right,

God be opium to the people.

The student was so happy

That she prayed spontaneously,

Our Lady of Kazan,

Thank you for your help!

When one day the Golden Horde

Of the Mongol horsemen came,

Genghis Khan and Tamerlan,

Wanted to invade Russia,

Then the Russians took courage

And they marched to the border,

To the Mongol Empire in the east

With the Russian army,

And the Russian army

Wore at its front

A holy icon,

Our Lady of Vladimir.

And the Russian soldiers

Shouted, Hail, Mother of God,

You drive out our enemies,

Victoress in all battles!

Mother of God of Vladimir,

You drove out the enemy

And saved Russia from 

The golden horde of the barbarians.

Miraculous icon

Of the great Mother of God,

Victoress the Mother of God

Is in all God's battles!

Leo Tolstoy wrote the book

War and Peace, the novel

About Russia at the time

When Napoleon came.

Once I saw a film

Based on the book of Tolstoy,

When the Russian commander knelt

Before the shrine of the Mother of God.

When the commander with the army

Faced Napoleon

To protect Russia,

Orthodox priests came

With the holy icon

Of Our Lady, the Mother of God,

And the pious commander kissed

The icon of Our Lady.

The soldiers knelt down

Before the black Mother of God,

All shouted, Hail Mary,

Protect our Mother Russia!

And so Russia triumphed over

That emperor of the French

And Napoleon was driven out

By Our Lady!

When in the Second World War Hitler

With the German troops invaded

Into the great empire of the Russians,

Where the communists ruled,

Stalin, the dictator, knew

That the Russian soldiers

Did not think like communists,

But still like pious Christians.

When the Russian army

Fought against Hitler's army,

Stalin the Terrible left 

Above the army of the Russians

Circling high a plane with

The icon of Mary,

And Mary protected Russia

And defeated Hitler's army.


Two failures of love

We must clearly name,

One is eudaemonism,

One is altruism.

For in eudaemonism

The lover seeks his happiness

And he loves only the beloved,

Because she gives him his happiness.

Once a woman said,

That's why I love you,

Because I feel so good

When I am near you.

That's not why I love you,

Because you are the way you are,

But because I'm in a good mood,

Happy when I'm with you.

Some men want a woman

Because she's beautiful and presentable.

But when she's forty

Then she's no longer beautiful either.

But altruism is

Another transgression.

Here the lover speaks,

Ah, my name is Mr. Nobody!

I am but a mere nothing

And I am nothing but your servant,

Serving that you may be happy,

Whether I am happy or not is not important.

Though that sounds holy

As a model of humility,

But still the truth is,

That I am beloved of God.

Though I should not seek my happiness,

But I should give love.

But if I give love,

I shall be happy.

And to love myself teaches me

Love too. I love myself,

Only then can I give myself away

In the consciousness of my worth.

Love wants to be fruitful,

Love creates beautiful unity,

Unity creates fruitfulness,

Love thus brings us fruit.

When two philosophers' spirits

Are one in the love of friendship,

Friendly love will be fruitful

In spiritual formations.

And when muse and poet

Are one in the love of friendship,

Friendship will be fruitful

In poetic formations.

For love wants to do good,

Wants the good of the beloved.

Love is the heart's response

To the value of the beloved.

Love loves not only the beautiful,

For the beautiful is fleeting.

Love loves persons, beings,

Who receive value from God.

In the loving eroticism

Of a woman and a man

Is desired the unity of spirits,

Is desired the unity of soul,

Is desired the heart-unity,

Is desired the body-unity.

In the body-unity Love celebrates itself 

In the most intimate way.

Also the bodily unity

As the celebration of eroticism,

Beautifully it joins two hearts,

When spirits are also united.

Then the physical unity

Will also be fruitful

And the fertility of love

Becomes visible in the child of parents.

Therefore it is also reprehensible,

In physical unity

Only to celebrate the erotic

And not to want the fruits.


So a Cardinal wrote

His teaching on Jesus

And the Lord's Prayer put

So from the Cardinal,

Is God then also a mother?

In Isaiah's book of consolation it says,

That God comforts us as a mother,

As a mother comforts her son.

It is also written in the Book of Isaiah,

That though a mother may

Forget her own son,

But God does not forget us.

Also in Hebrew

Mercy as a word

Is related to a womb,

To the womb of God.

But still Jesus addresses

God as his Father

And in no verse of the Bible

Is God addressed as mother.

But among the heathen nations

There were mother goddesses,

But always there it seems

That the world was born,

That the world was born

By a great mother goddess,

And the world was emanated

And that the world is divine.

But in Judaism

The world was created by God,

But God is before the world,

God is outside of it.

This transcendence of the divinity

Be better represented

With the title of God Father,

Therefore God is called Father.

And so the Cardinal spoke,

Although God has the features

Of a loving mother,

He must be called Father,

For one must not simply pray,

As feeling dictates,

But we must pray 

As Jesus prayed for us.

But I say personally,

That I have written a letter

To the Order of Benedict

And the wise monk wrote,

Yes, adore Mary,

For Mary is the Mother

And she is also the Beloved,

Spiritually your wife,

But Mary will lead you

To the motherly God.

Bernard of Clairvaux once wrote,

The Lord God is Magna Mater!

Leonardo Boff, the free,

Wrote, Mary is the mirror

For the motherly face of God,

Mother is our Holy Spirit.

So I searched with all my heart

For the Motherly Face of God

And I found the Wisdom of God,

For it speaks Jesus Sirach,

Lady Wisdom comes to meet us

But as a loving mother

And as a youthful bride.

Grignion of Montfort spoke thus,

This beautiful Wisdom of God

Is the Queen of Heaven

And is the idea of beauty

And to the mystic betrothed.

This Hagia Sophia

Heinrich Seuse once chose

As his Love‘s mistress,

His mystical fiancée.

This Hagia Sophia

As the motherly face of God

Led me to the Love of God,

Led me to the Fair Love.

This Fair Love of God

Hildegard of Bingen called

Mater Caritas, the Lady,

Mater Caritas, the Godhead.

So I say in the night,

In the dark night of the soul,

My divinity is mother to me,

A loving mammy!


For a time I read the little

Saint Therese of the Child

Jesus and of the Holy Face,

When I often played with children.

Saint Therese spoke to the child

Jesus: Let me be your ball!

You may always play with me,

If you only feel like it.

But if once you don't want 

To play with the ball, Jesus,

Put me in a corner

And there I'll wait patiently.

When I read these words,

I often played ball with a boy

In the garden, in the yard.

Once the little boy said,

You, my godfather, you are God,

I am the archangel Michael

And we play with the sun

Football up in the sky.

And I saw in the little boy

Always Jesus, saw in the boy

Always the baby Jesus,

Yes, the baby Jesus of Prague.

So I play ball myself

With the Infant Jesus of Prague

And I gave my love

All to the Infant Jesus of Prague.

But the little boy loved

Me as his heart's father,

His pure filial love

Was even similar to adoration.

Once the little boy spoke,

O my godfather, tell me, who are you?

Are you Joseph? No, not Joseph,

But thou art God the Father!

O madness of a poet!

Then it seemed to me as if

Prague's little Jesus

Worshipped me as God!

Once it was at Christmas,

At the Christmas celebration,

After the Holy Mass I saw

Jesus lying in the manger.

This little baby Jesus

Was but a little doll,

But suddenly I was struck

Deeply the baby Jesus' love!

And the love of the baby Jesus

Was, as on Mount Sinai

The thorn bush once stood in flames,

That burned, not burned,

And it was as if the voice

Said, Take off your shoes,

This rocky ground is holy,

You'll meet God's Love!

God's love was a fire,

God's love was an arrow,

God's fire-hot love

Was an arrow of fire from Cupid!

Since Cupid's fiery arrow

Struck me in the heart,

I burned like the thorn bush once did,

Burned, but did not burn.

Fire arrow of Cupid of God,

Who once struck the heart

Saint Teresa of Jesus,

As Bernini depicted,

I too was struck by the fiery arrow

Of the little Cupid of God,

Of the little baby Jesus,

And I loved God's Love.

But unlike Teresa

Once in Avila, I loved

Not only the Love of God,

But also the beautiful girlfriend.

At Christmas I sang hymns

Of the seraphic poet

Klopstock to the Eternal,

Jehovah, who is Love.


Let us read the Song of Songs

With the wise double vision,

How the Lord loves the soul,

As the man loves the virgin.

Virgin, I say, namely Almah,

Not a little girl at all,

But a young woman,

Sexually untouched.

Eros is depicted here,

As it is also found in God,

In the Godhead, Eros is

One with the Agape of God.

But in the Song of Songs

A marriage is described

Of a woman with a man,

A sacred eroticism.

For the eros of a man,

The eroticism of a woman,

Is ennobled in the Song of Songs

By the divine Agape.

Nietzsche is not right who said,

That Christianity poisons

The erotic. It is true:

God ennobles eroticism.

So even a pope taught

Of sexuality:

Love is the total gift,

Not selfish desire.

When man and woman unite

In the act of sexual desire,

Let them seek out of love

A rhythm that is harmonious.

For man is fast, a runner,

Hurriedly running in the swift race,

A woman is very patient,

As in a marathon.

A woman comes slowly to 

The sexual climax,

But she also lingers very long

In the enjoyment of the climax.

Dear women, says the monk,

Teach the men, your husbands,

The secret of your soul,

The secret of your body.

For there are few men

Who understand women so well

That they know of their own accord

What a woman wants from them.

But the normal men

Have to be taught

From women what they want.

Women, please speak clearly!

Women, lead your men

Into the mysterious world

Of your soul-body unity

Full of erogenous zones!

Women have more

Erogenous zones 

Then men. So women have 

To teach their own men.

Because the woman is a mystery,

Not a riddle to be solved

By the clever thinker,

Nay, mystery unfathomable.

For the soul of a woman

Rooted in the mystery

Of God! God is a mystery,

Mystery unfathomable.

Women are icons namely

Of the mystery of the Godhead!

Sevenfold veiled is

The mysterious Godhead.

Once a soul doctor spoke

To the girlfriend of my soul,

No, I cannot heal you,

Thy soul is veiled.

And I said to my girlfriend,

Therefore I love thy soul,

Because it is mystically veiled

And wears the Godhead's veil.


Now when a married couple

Want to unite sexually

The couple should be open

To the fertility of love.

Today there is a pill,

A birth control pill 

To separate from the act

Of this love fertility.

The wife should always be

At the man's disposal,

That he may satisfy his lust

Without producing children.

For feminism taught

According to Simone de Beauvoir,

That motherhood is slavery,

Marriage is a woman's yoke.

But quite naturally

A woman is fertile at times,

Barren at other times,

As nature intended.

If one regulates conception

According to the cycle of the wife,

The woman must know the body

And the husband must know the wife.

Times of abstinence

And natural asceticism

Only strengthen the marriage bond,

Increase also the pleasure of the act.

But when the married couple

As Sara and Tobias

Want to unite in marriage,

Why not pray to God?

For the conjugal act

Can beget a human being,

God the Creator breathes the soul

Into the germ at conception.

When the Creator of all men

Thus acts as creator

In the midst of the act of love,

Why not pray to God?

Adam and Eve were naked,

Were not ashamed of their nakedness,

For they lived in love,

In the gift of love.

But when in the Fall

In place of pure love

Desire had taken its place,

The first parents were ashamed.

Today people are shameless,

Openly displaying in the marketplace

Their sex and publicly

They perform the mating.

But after the Fall

The sense of shame is natural

And it also protects people

From the abuse of sex.

But this sense of shame is

Overcome by love,

By the trust of pure love,

By the gift of love.

In the intimate space of marriage,

Unique, indissoluble,

Shame is overcome 

And nakedness becomes natural.

But revolutionary

Socialist Marxism,

Feminism, free love,

Women's communism,

Taught, sexuality

To detach from bondage

And in freedom

To live out all urges.

Because the revolutionaries

Wanted communism,

They were hindered by

Christianity of the West.

If they wanted communism

And the new man,

They had to destroy

Christianity of the Occident.

So they destroyed marriage

And Christian culture

And we have in Europe

Masses of crippled souls.


When the little child Jesus

Played in his mother's house

He played with a little cross

Which he had made himself.

And the mother Mary

Gave the baby Jesus

Freshly picked figs or

Freshly picked dates too

Or almonds that were salted

With the salt of the covenant.

The baby Jesus liked to drink

Freshly milked goat's milk.

Jesus played very early

In his father's workshop,

His foster father Joseph,

Who was a carpenter.

Joseph once had to make

For Herod, for the king,

A throne carved from wood,

Joseph had miscalculated,

One slat was too short,

When the baby Jesus saw this,

The baby Jesus did a miracle

And lengthened the slat.

When the baby Jesus was 

To go to school, Anne

Or Joseph took him to school,

And the teacher was very strict.

And the teacher taught him,

How to write the A,

Then the teacher taught him

How to write the B.

But then the child Jesus said,

O you stupid fat teacher,

Don't know what the A means,

Will you teach me the B?

And the baby Jesus said.

That slanting line at the A,

That goes up from left to right,

That is God the Eternal Father,

That slanting line at the A,

That goes down from left to right,

That's God the Eternal Son,

Greeks call him the Logos,

And the little line in the middle,

That joins the two slanting lines

Lovingly connecting, that

Is the Holy Spirit, Love.

Will you teach after the A

Me the motherly B,

I say that A and B

Are to be pronounced Abba.

At school during recess

But said his friends,

Jesus, you are the Son of God,

Build us a rainbow

That we may walk on the rainbow

So that we can walk through the air.

So the baby Jesus

Quickly did a little miracle,

Built a rainbow.

Baby Jesus and his friends

Climbed the rainbow,

Walked through the air

But Jesus' little friends

Fell from the rainbow

On their noses, and beat 

Their little noses bloody.

When Grandma Anne heard that,

She took a willow rod,

Smacked Jesus on the butt,

Three times she hit him on the butt,

For Grandma Anne said,

Jesus, you are the Son of God,

But always remember

That men are made of clay.


An old Jewish woman said,

Eve, the mother of us all

Is not the temptress,

Not the female, eternally alluring.

Adam himself ate the fruit.

But no, it was not an apple,

Apples were not of old

In the garden of the Middle East.

There was wheat, there was barley,

There were purple shells,

There were grapes on the vine

There were quinces, dates and figs.

Now when Eve and Adam also

Tasted the forbidden fruit,

They both saw that they were naked,

And covered their nakedness.

And the fig tree gave them

Leaves, that they might cover themselves,

They covered their nakedness

With the leaves of the fig-tree.

Therefore the rabbis say,

This fig-tree hath surely

Some remorse,

Because he gave them the fig.

That is why this

Fig tree produced the large leaves,

Because first it produced

The forbidden fruit, the fig.

If you want to look at it that way,

The story of paradise is

The story of a childhood,

Of pure child innocence.

Little children run naked

Through the garden of their childhood,

Who only later begin

To be ashamed of their sex.

Shame is something quite healthy.

But when adults are shameless

Then they are mostly sinners,

Whoremongers, sodomites.

But only the old people

In the old people's hospitals

Become childlike-shameless again

And so the circle closes.

If you want to see it that way,

The story of paradise is

The story of humanity,

Gathering fruit at the beginning.

When Cain and Abel were born,

Mankind was already developed,

For there was the cultivator

And there was also the shepherd.

Later came Nimrod,

Who was a hunter before the Lord.

He brought from afar

Delicious flesh of wild beasts.

But that the mother Eve

Is at the same time the friend Ruth

And the holy Mary,

This is Christian thought.

For the Christian brethren say,

How sinned the first Adam,

The new Adam, Christ,

Make atonement for sinners.

And because Eve disobeyed

Against God, and obeyed

To the fallen angel,

Sin entered the world,

Therefore came the new Eve,

This is holy Mary, she

Listened to the angel of God

And obeyed God's word.

This new, second Eve

Is the eternal feminine,

That leads us to God,

To the mystery of eternal love.


Parmenides travelled alone

Riding through the dark night,

Daughters of the sun led him

To justice, to the gate

In the heaven where he beheld

Goddess Truth in the throne

And the Goddess Truth spoke

To the pious philosopher,

All things on earth

Become and pass away again,

All existence is so void,

Nothingness of nothingness!

But what has an existence,

Has its being alone,

Because it has a share

In the absolute being.

This absolute being

Is immortal, imperishable,

Eternal and omnipresent,

And it is the One Being.

Heraclit, the dark thinker,

Wrote of the interior of the cosmos,

Dedicated this his work to the goddess

Artemis of Ephesus,

This cosmos is dynamic,

In the cosmos works the force

Full of energy, I call it

Fire, that is the Dynamis.

But all the dynamics

Of that energy in the cosmos

Does not act blindly and aimlessly,

There is a power of order.

This power of order in the cosmos,

That orders and shapes

Ordering and shaping, I call

Logos or All-Reason.

The dynamic structure

This cosmos full of power

Directs and leads to its goal

The Logos, God's All-Reason.

And Anaxagoras said

To the annoyance of the Athenians

That the sun was not a god,

But dead flint,

That Luna and Venus

Were not goddesses

And that Jupiter and Mars

Are not celestial gods,

But cosmic planets,

Simply dead celestial bodies

That walk in wise paths

According to the laws of nature.

The laws of nature,

Which the physicist discovers

Are inscribed in

The nature of a nous,

A divine intellect,

A divine reason,

A spirit of divinity

As the supreme being.

But the Athenians and

The Athenian women also

Accused Anaxagoras

A blasphemy.

Another way to God

Socrates smilingly pointed out to us,

But the Sophists made

Wisdom the business of money.

But then Socrates said,

That in every man's mind

Dwells a daimonium

Or divine conscience.

This divine conscience

Now teaches the human spirit

To strive for truth 

In its human knowledge,

To strive for goodness in

A pure life of virtue.

In the Daimonium 

The human spirit hears the voice of God.


Plato saw in all things

Their spiritual laws.

That we recognise a tree,

Makes the spiritual law.

When we recognise a woman,

So we recognise her essence,

What makes a woman a woman,

This he calls her womanhood.

Although Diogenes mocked

This teaching of Plato, and said,

I have met a woman,

But I have never seen womanhood.

But Plato speculated,

Behind all phenomena

There are spiritual entities,

Which he called ideas.

These spiritual ideas

Were in the pure spirit world,

Were in the heaven of ideas,

Where they dance like the gods.

But among the ideas

Is also a hierarchy,

Some ideas stand

Higher than others.

And the highest of the ideas,

Let this be the Idea of Freedom,

Be it Truth, be it Goodness,

Be it the ideal of Beauty.

When the human spirit recognises

In the spiritual knowledge

Of a thing the pure being,

He strives towards the idea of truth.

When man acts morally

According to the catalogue of virtues,

He strives to attain

The idea of the highest good.

When the human sense enjoys

Some works of beautiful muses,

It enjoys the idea

Of the beauty begotten by God.

Of the trinity of ideas

What is the highest good?

Truth, beauty, goodness I see,

But goodness is the highest.

Plato calls goodness

His supreme deity.

What the good God creates,

All is created good.

When man strives for goodness

And realises goodness himself,

He is on the way to God,

Lives a life of virtue before God.

But Plato of the soul

Teaches that it is immortal,

Yes, conceived from eternity

As an idea in the mind of God.

At the moment of conception,

When it enters the body,

The soul was already with God,

It was in the heaven of ideas.

And the soul saw God,

Beheld all the ideas,

Dancing before the Godhead,

Beheld them in the heavenly mirror.

But the soul has fallen

Into the prison of this flesh

And it must now rise,

To return to heaven.

Love now helps it to do so,

For in the moment of love

The soul sees in the beloved

This splendour of the divinity again.

And the soul spreads

Its wings, inspired by love,

To the highest beauty,

To the highest goodness.

Cupid is the mediator of God,

Cupid leads souls in love

Up the ladder of heaven to

The primordial deity of primordial beauty.


The pure soul of man

Is from eternity in God,

Is idea in God's spirit,

Is foreknown in Christ.

A soul is the form

Of a body, blood and flesh,

But Christ is the form

Of a God-breathed soul.

When parents unite

In conjugal love,

As co-creators with the Creator.

They form the human body.

But God, who is pure spirit,

At the moment of conception

Creates and breathes the soul

Into the germ of the human body.

This breath of the human soul

Into the germ of the human body

Is a kiss of Jesus Christ,

Is a kissing of this human being.

But in the beginning

Adam and Eve were

In the presence of the Godhead

And that is paradise.

In the evening twilight

The Eternal One went for a walk

With the first human couple

In the garden of paradise.

Adam and Eve were

In harmony with God

And also in the marital

Harmony of Lovers.

And the love of Adam was

A pure gift of self

And the giving of his love

Was entirely free from selfishness.

And the love of Eve was

Selflessly giving, wholly giving,

Being Adam's help,

Help on the way to God.

But when the serpent approached

And the fig of knowledge,

Eve bit the snake,

Adam plucked the fig,

Pure love became

Heart-consuming lust.

Adam no longer loved Eve

As the mirror of the divinity,

Adam now desired Eve

In the desire of his urges,

Eve was his object of lust,

That he enjoyed selfishly.

Eve was his object of lust,

Eve was his sex idol.

He in masturbation

Knew only the urge's hunger.

But what is the redemption

Of the fallen human couple?

Since the smile of their love

Was the snarl of hate,

Since the bundle of instincts

Wanted to devour the object

And to satisfy the urge

Even kill the sex idol,

Did, as Martin Luther said,

God these sins?

No, through the cross and resurrection

Of His Son Jesus Christ

He promised all mankind

A resurrection too

And also a new body

And a new paradise.

In the spiritual body of paradise

People do not celebrate a wedding,

But are like the angels,

Completely united with the Godhead.

Not the devouring desire

Satisfies itself in the sex idol,

But pure love of God

Will be all in all.


Dostoyevsky's Guilt and Atonement

I once read in Oldenburg,

The criminal still at the end

Saw the young dawn.

But I was completely captivated 

By Dostoyevsky's Idiot,

Which I read in Poland

At the foot of the Carpathians.

My two dear wives

Slept there in a tent

To my right, to my left.

My grandmother was dying.

O smiling Aglaja,

A grace of pure virtue,

But proud and thorny

And unapproachable like an iceberg!

O lovely Natasha,

That dark woman's affliction,

Sinner, yet full of loveliness,

Unhappy, desirable!

O the pure Idiot,

Myshkin, that Christ of Russia,

Children only understood him,

Who loved children very much!

When my grandmother died

I saw Myschkin standing before me

Or was it the Christ of Russia,

The Dionysian Messiah?

But then in Berlin

With the two wives

I saw Russian icons

Of the black Mother of God.

Who were humiliated and insulted

I read there,

Who were humiliated and insulted

Were awakening my tears.

And one of my wives

Cooked me a midday meal,

But I turned my back on her,

I wanted to read Dostoyevsky.

Brothers Karamazov I read

In Tyrol and in Venice,

In Venice I thought

Of repentance and penance.

When Sossima preached

Of God's great love,

I spoke of deep-felt remorse,

Alas, I must change my life!

To meet such a Starez,

As Alyosha met him,

Was the longing of my soul,

But I did not meet him.

Later, in Oldenburg,

I sat with the two women,

Reading The Brothers Karamazov

In our reading circle.

But all I could do was stare

At one of my wives,

The other was jealous,

Felt left behind.

It's been a long time since I read

Dostoyevsky, but I've heard,

That he adored Mary,

Russia's black mother of God,

Wet Mother, Black Earth!

Dear Mother, Old Rusj!

Great Mother, Mother of God!

So Dostoevsky pleaded.

And then I heard Pope

Benedict on the feast day

Of the Immaculate Conception

Dostoevsky quote thus:

Only beauty can save us!

The virgin Mary

Alone can save us now,

Mirror her to the beauty of God!

Dostoevsky once said,

Only beauty can save us!

And a man asked him,

What beauty do you mean?

Only beauty can save us,

Only the beauty of a love

That embraces even pain,

Said the wise Dostoevsky.


Animals are kept today

In mass cages,

Artificially and chemically bred,

Until they die of fear.

That is not humane,

The righteous man loves his cattle,

Takes care of all his animals,

As does a good shepherd.

But vegetarians

Cultivate a pagan animal worship.

Children are aborted,

For the frogs they demonstrate.

Caritas, it's supposed to mean,

That the rich donate money

For the condor, which is threatened,

But they kill embryos?

Vegetarians, what do you say,

That the animal also eats animals?

Since God's covenant with Noah

Man is also allowed to eat animals.

Vegetarian, will you sue

Jesus Christ then,

Who as risen Lord

Ate the fish he created?

Children, have you nothing to eat?

Jesus Christ, risen from the dead,

Spoke first to the disciples:

Children, have you nothing to eat?

And a monk once said,

If I had become a bishop,

This would be my bishop's motto:

Children, have you nothing to eat?

And my bishop's coat of arms would be

Two crossed chicken legs.

So I also say as a parable

Of the prayer of the rosary:

You must try it,

The prayer of the rosary!

If you've never had Wiener schnitzel,

You don't know how good it tastes!

And Teresa of Jesus

Spoke of fasting and prayer,

If it's Lent, fast!

If it's Easter, eat a partridge!

And Teresa of Jesus

Once wrote in a letter,

I have to eat poultry now,

Because the mutton is not so good.

Hildegard von Bingen herself

Was not a vegetarian.

But she warned against eel,

But she warned against the duck.

Because the eel at the bottom of the sea

Feeds on bad things.

And the duck on the ground

Feeds on bad things.

Hildegard recommends spelt,

Eat spelt bread instead!

Hildegard recommends the walnut,

Walnut butter on the bread!

But if once in heaven

I may live with Jesus Christ,

Invited to the banquet

To the Easter meal of the Lamb,

I want to be Chinese

Eating Chinese food with the Lord,

I'd love a Peking duck,

It takes four people.

God the Father I invite,

Father full of tenderness,

God the Logos I invite,

Son, who redeems me on the cross,

God the Spirit I invite too,

Who prayed so much in me,

And fourth, I sit down

To the Trinity,

And we'll eat in heaven

A delicious Peking duck.

Children, have you nothing to eat?

Jesus! A Peking duck!


From the dictator Mao

First I read poetry,

Then I read the dialectic

After the Dictator Mao.

The erotic novel

About Dame Dija,

I learned to love my China

Which speaks of love in flowery terms.

And I read Lao Tse

About Tao, about Te,

Almost a gospel

Of the wisdom of Jesus Christ.

Read Confucius,

The conversations with the disciples.

God created the Master as a bell,

When the world was without a word.

And I read of the flower land

In the south of Chuang Tse,

I hear the organ of the earth,

I hear the organ of the sky.

And I read Li Tai-Po

Who drank three hundred cups

And sang three hundred odes

To the beautiful concubine.

And I also read Du Fu,

More serious than Li Tai-Po,

And I read Bo Djü-I,

Who read to his handmaid.

And I read the Book of Songs,

Old odes of the Chinese,

I have composed them myself,

Which are as old as David's psalms.

And I read the nineteen old

Ancient poems,

Verses full of love's lament,

Verses full of death's sorrow.

And I wrote of my China

A blooming novel

In the midst of the muddiest madness,

Thought I was Chinese myself.

And then I met the Chinese

Rong-Ji Pan, who was a Christian,

Who wrote a dissertation

On Confucius.

And I helped him formulate

The idea of pedagogy,

Of the father-son relationship,

As Confucius taught it.

And I read the folk stories

And the fairy tales of the Chinese,

Read the Kin-Ping-Meh and other

Ancient Chinese novels,

And the wild brigands

By the moor Liang-Shan,

The erotic novel, too,

Which was censored in Germany,

Read also the book by the original source,

Which Liä-Dsi wrote,

Read also in the book of manners,

In the old book Li Gi,

Also wrote about music,

The education of children,

Read the life of Hudson Taylor,

Missionary to China he,

Heard also of Fu Chen Fu,

Missionary to China he,

Who saw the many dragons,

Thought it was all the devil's work,

Became Chinese himself

And finally died in China:

Lord, in heaven 

I want to be Chinese forever!

Yes, in another life

I was a poet once in China,

Lived in the bamboo hut,

Watched the full moon at night,

Loved a beautiful woman

With her black hair pinned up

And pierced by a needle

Of her marriageable age.


Dear brothers of mine in Christ,

I, as your bishop, say

That during Lent

Drink wine in moderation!

The Lord God speaks in the Psalms,

That he himself created wine

To break your sorrows

And to refresh the heart.

Is there any of you brothers

Who can hold but a little glass,

Let him drink a little,

If he drinks more, he becomes foolish.

He that drinks more of the wine

Than he can hold,

He goes no more to his work,

Stays in bed all day,

Then he beats his wife,

Because she is always quarrelling,

And curses his own children

For robbing him of his rest.

If a man is such a weakling,

He had better abstain,

Drink but a small glass,

Thank God and go to sleep.

But if there be other brothers,

Who can bear two glasses,

Of the stronger wine, too,

Let him drink the noble wine,

Like a Gran Reserva

Or perhaps the Bordeaux.

But more is forbidden him,

For otherwise he will become choleric,

And quarrels with his gentle wife,

Who won't say yes or no,

Locks up the little children

As punishment in the chamber.

Let each drink only his measure.

Whoever drinks more than he can stand

From the wine created by God,

I command him moderation.

Dear brothers in Christ

And you dear sisters also,

I, as your bishop, say

That the Lord hath more graced me.

Would that God so pardoned you,

As he hath blessed me,

You might as well drink

A bottle that night.

The Lord God has given me

A steadfastness in drinking,

As he hath not so blessed you.

To each his measure the Lord gives.

But have you ever seen

That I slurred my words at the sermon

Or in the procession

Or staggered ahead of you?

No, you never saw me staggering

At mass at the altar

And in my pastoral care

I have never wavered.

No, the sick I have visited

In the hospital

And to the dying I gave

The last sacraments.

I faithfully taught the little children

Fatherly the teachings of the Bible,

Teaching them the catechism

To the first communion.

In the Bible study group

God's word to the brothers

And the teachings of the Mother Church

Faithfully I handed down to the sisters.

In ecumenism I have

Discussed with Lutherans,

With Pentecostals and Baptists,

Without ever departing from the Lord.

Summa: If God had graced you,

As he would have pardoned me,

Drink you a bottle of wine

In the evening, praising Christ.


When I had become a Christian

I parted from my concubine,

For I read the Apostle Paul:

All shall be like me!

This said the apostle

Not to put on chains,

But for the sake of freedom

And of free worship.

Namely, he who is called

Into the sacrament of matrimony,

Desires to please his wife,

Is not wholly free to God.

But with half a heart

He serves the Lord with his work,

Half-heartedly he serves 

His wife in the business of daily life.

But he who is called

To virginity before God,

He is free to serve the Lord,

With all his heart he serves God.

And once there was a monk

In the desert of Egypt,

Who was tormented by lust,

He longed for a woman.

Said the desert father to him,

Spiritually wise was Abbas,

Make thee a woman of clay,

Think of her as your wife.

Now you must go to work,

To feed your wife.

Make a child out of clay,

This you must also provide for.

Make a second child out of clay,

Then think of all your worries.

The lust of the flesh

For a wife you will surely want.

But if thou wilt live

For the kingdom of heaven,

Choose Our Lady

To be your mystical spouse.

But he who is afraid in his heart

That God may call him

To celibacy,

He is called for marriage.

As the Father loves the Son

And the Son loves the Father

And the love of both breathes

God's Spirit as the bond of love,

So the husband loves the wife

And the wife loves the husband

And the love of both creates

Then the child as the fruit of love.

As Christ loves the church,

The husband loves the wife,

As the Church loves Christ,

The wife loves her husband.

For marriage is a mystery,

Is a real sacrament,

Reflects God's faithfulness,

Is, like this, indissoluble.

Oh, what must I hear

From the dear Protestants?

This woman was once married

The lukewarm Catholic,

Then divorced him,

Took a second husband

Who hated Catholics,

He loved whores in the brothel,

And she divorced again

From the Catholic-hater,

Went to church with a third man

Holding hands in church.

Yes, they do read the Bible,

That the Lord forbid divorce,

But do what they desire

In the Christian's freedom.

He who has broken the sacrament of marriage

Against God has broken the faith,

Cannot receive the sacrament of love

From the holy altar.


When the Apostle Paul was

At Iconium in Hellas,

Virgin Thekla heard him

Speaking of the love of Christ.

Virgin Thekla was inflamed

By the love of Christ on the cross,

Who died the death of love

For the salvation of the bride, the soul.

Virgin Thekla fell in love

With the Bridegroom Messiah,

As the bride of Christ

To live in virginity.

But there was a wild heathen,

Who was full of lust,

Passionate as an animal

He desired the virgin Thekla,

Wanted her for his wife,

To make love to her intimately.

But Thekla was horrified

At the lust of the heathen.

Then Thekla denied herself

To the covetous heathen,

No, I will live as a virgin,

Christ is my bridegroom!

But the fierce anger of the heathen

And the furious disappointment

Of his animal desire

Accused virgin Thekla.

Thekla was condemned to death,

To die by fire.

As she stood on the funeral pyre

In the midst of the flames,

She prayed to Christ,

Oh my Bridegroom and Lord,

Give at the last moment

The sacrament of baptism to me!

Rain fell from heaven,

Christ baptised the Virgin Thecla.

And she died the death of love

And entered heaven.

Similarly Agnes also, the virgin,

Loved Jesus as her husband,

Wished to remain a pure virgin

For the kingdom of heaven's sake.

Behold, Agnes was very beautiful,

So a man fell in love

With the beautiful girl

And desired to make love to her.

But Agnes refused,

No, I want no man,

But the Son of God alone,

All my love is for him.

Then the man was enraged

And seized the maiden Agnes,

Dragged her to the whorehouse

Where he had often been a guest,

Stripped the maiden naked,

To expose the maiden

Before the eyes of those men

Who frequented the brothel.

But Agnes prayed

To the bridegroom, to Christ,

And her bridegroom heard

The prayers of his bride.

And from heaven came a light,

Which veiled Agnes all,

And the whorehouse-goers

Were blinded by the light.

Agnes was killed,

But Christ took her up,

His martyr Agnes

Sits on her throne in heaven.

And there was once a monk

Who vowed virginity,

Was plagued with lust

For the charms of a pagan woman.

Then the spiritual guide advised him,

Call upon the Virgin Agnes!

And the monk called on Agnes,

And found peace of soul again.


Yes, the Antichrist is coming

As a great theologian

Who has earned his doctorate

In beautiful Tübingen.

What then does the Antichrist teach

In biblical scholarship?

That they are all myths,

Which need not be believed.

And the Antichrist teaches

That the gospel

Is not to be taken literally,

But is to be read in a modern way.

Jesus was born of

A virgin without a man?

That's what they say about Plato too,

It's nothing but a myth.

That Mary was immaculate

From the stain of sin,

That's just highly neurotic,

A sexual neurosis.

That the Master performed miracles,

That is really not to be believed.

Only the paschal church

Made up the miracles.

That the Lord multiplied the bread,

That is but a symbol and a parable.

Just give the people their bread,

That is the whole message.

That the Lord is the Son of God,

Later the apostles believed.

Jesus did not proclaim himself,

But only the kingdom of God.

For the man from Nazareth

Believed that the kingdom of God

Had now come, but the Nazarene,

Alas, the Nazarene was mistaken.

That the Lord at the Last Supper

Gives himself as food,

May only be taken symbolically,

Or else one becomes a cannibal.

That the Lord died on the cross,

That is certainly historical,

But that he rose again,

That is a pious fable.

Magdalene is called a whore

And Mary a pure virgin,

These are men's fantasies,

That's sexual neurosis.

That the tomb of Christ is empty,

That's a pious fable.

Jesus' body is still buried

Somewhere in Israel.

The apostles, who were frightened,

Who believed in the Messiah,

Were after the crucifixion

Became completely depressed

And so they devised

The poem of the resurrection.

Some had visions,

Religious delusions.

What Jesus really taught,

No one can say today.

But the Christ in the church,

That is not the Nazarene.

So the Antichrist teaches

As a super-theologian,

All journalists celebrate

This critical scholar.

When the Pope proclaims a word,

All journalists ask

That scholar from Tübingen,

Provoke him to contradiction.

And the Protestants love

And many a Catholic

This critical scholar,

Who contradicts the Pope.

And so the Antichrist creeps

Sneaking into the church

And confuses the lukewarm priests

And the unlearned laity.


Luther sang in the hymn,

Luther also sang of the little whore,

Zebaoth is the bridegroom,

But his bride is a whore.

Virgin Israel, the bride,

God's marriage has broken

And loved the idol Baal,

The idol of the wilderness.

Yet God has not divorced,

God is faithful to his marriage.

But the bride broke the marriage

With the idols of Canaan.

Yet the harlot Israel

Is still the beloved,

But she must turn

To the God and Bridegroom.

Even the soul of a man

In the state of sin is

A whore only before God,

A harlot beloved of God.

A soul in sin

Lives divorced from the Lord.

But the God and Bridegroom

Yet woos that soul.

A soul in sin

Breaks marriage with the Lord,

God cries, Soul, repent

And turn to the Lord!

Jesus came as a bridegroom

And his gospel

Invites us all to the wedding,

Jesus was the friend of harlots.

A harlot wept tears,

Anointing thus the feet of Jesus,

Drying his wet feet

With her long curly mane.

This harlot comes even sooner

Through repentance to heaven

Than the self-righteous teachers,

Who confess no guilt.

When the soul is converted

To the Lord and Bridegroom,

Lives again in the state of grace,

In grace through faith,

Then shall this maiden again

Be bride of the bridegroom.

Jesus is the bridegroom,

Bride is a Christian's soul.

Jesus, most beautiful man,

Most beautiful of all the sons of men,

O Bridegroom and King,

To thee will I sing my psalms.

Behold, at your right hand

Thy bride in golden ornament.

Hear, daughter, the Lord God

Is thy Lord and Bridegroom.

The Messiah full of beauty,

Thy beauty he desires,

So bow down before him,

Jesus Christ is Lord!

A soul in grace,

In grace through faith,

Is the bride of the bridegroom,

Namely, Jesus is Love.

Jesus Christ died

For the bride he loved,

When she was an enemy and a whore,

He died for her on the cross.

Paul wrote in his letters,

That he would woo the bride

And lead her to the Lord,

To the one Bridegroom,

He will lead a bride

To the Bridegroom Messiah,

A virgin without blemish,

A bride without spot or wrinkle.

This spotless virgin

Without wrinkle, without spot,

Is the soul in grace,

In grace through faith.


So it was with Hosea,

The Lord said to him,

Take the harlot to be thy wife,

Testify with her sons of a whore!

So Hosea took

Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim,

That whore to wife.

And he begat sons of the whore.

Firstborn son of a whore,

That was Jezreel the farmer,

Jezreel means: God sows seed,

God sows seed in the field.

Then were born two sons 

Of the whore, one was called

Ammi, which means God's people,

One was called Ruchama, Grace.

Just as Hosea took

A harlot for a wife,

So did the Lord God love

Israel the harlot.

But Israel the harlot

Departed from her husband,

Broke her marriage with the idol

Baal, the idol of Canaan.

But the Lord God remained faithful,

And so the harlot

Returned to her husband,

To the Lord and Bridegroom.

God spoke thus to Israel,

I deceive thee in the wilderness

And I speak passionately

With thee in solitude.

For I will betroth myself to thee

For the bride-price of my grace,

For the bride-price of my faithfulness,

Then shalt thou know the Lord.

Thus said Ezekiel,

Through Ezekiel the Lord:

O Jerusalem, virgin,

O Jerusalem, thy parents were heathen,

And when thou wast born,

They loved not the child,

But cast thee into the field,

Where you wriggled in blood.

Virgin, yet the Lord

Lovingly by thee passed.

Your breasts have grown beautifully,

Small breasts, round and firm!

Your pubic hair has sprouted beautifully,

A thick, curly wool!

Your hair has grown long, too,

It fell upon thy breasts!

And there the Lord saw, 

The springtime of love was come,

He covered thy nakedness

With the wool of his mantle.

Ah Jerusalem, but later

Thou didst give thyself to all,

A public whore

In the cult of Astarte,

Thou didst spread thy legs

To every heathen, to every goat,

On public display,

You took no money for it.

Thou didst open thy quiver

To every man's arrow,

In the public markets

Was thy lascivious brothel.

The Egyptians have come,

The Chaldeans have come,

To all you gave yourself willingly,

Public sinner.

Return to thy Lord,

Who has chosen you as his bride!

Lord, kiss me with your mouth,

Kisses better than wine!


Apuleius wrote the fairy tale,

It's Neoplatonism.

Psyche is the bride of God,

God who is Love.

Psyche was a young girl,

Who was adored.

Yes, the beautiful girl was even

Adored as a goddess of love.

Who otherwise worshipped Venus,

Now worshipped Psyche.

But Psyche was prepared

For marriage with Death.

Psyche stood on the mountainside

In the white wedding veil,

That she might fall to her death,

To consummate the marriage.

But a good spirit from heaven

Brought her to a garden,

To a beautiful garden house,

Where she lay on a bed.

Cupid came, the god of love,

Took Psyche to wife,

Cupid gave her a commandment,

Not to light the candle.

For the god was invisible,

Wanted to remain invisible too.

But Psyche had sisters,

Who were jealous of Psyche.

And so those sisters said,

Thy spouse, is it a god

Or even a monster,

Is perhaps an enemy of man?

Light the forbidden candle,

Look upon thy husband,

Whether he be a red dragon,

Whether it be a fair god.

Psyche followed her sisters,

Lit the candle,

And the wax in hot drops

Stained Cupid's naked body.

So Cupid slipped away

From the unfaithful Psyche

And the mother of fair love

Strictly tested poor Psyche.

Psyche was severely tested,

Had to go to the realm of the dead,

To bring up from there

A bowl full of ointment.

Psyche served many years

As the maid of the goddess Venus,

But Venus spoke for Psyche

To the little god.

Venus thus obtained mercy

For the little slave Psyche

By the god of love Cupid,

Who accepted her again.

Cupid took his Psyche

To the heaven of Olympus,

In the Elysian realm

The two celebrated their wedding.

Ceres brought to the wedding

The consecrated sacrificial bread,

Bacchus brought to the wedding

The consecrated sacrificial wine.

And the Hours, beautiful women,

Brought sacred prayers,

And the Graces, young girls,

Scattered beautiful spring flowers.

And Apollo with the lyre

Sang the Hymen Hymenaeus

And the choir of the Muses sang

Hymen Hymenaeus to them.

And the great father of the gods

And the father of all men

Has the human daughter Psyche

For the little god deified.

Psyche became a goddess,

Lived with the god Cupid

In the Elysian realm

Of eternal paradisiacal delight!


Dionysius tells us,

That Christ is called love,

Namely, divine agape,

So the fathers call him,

For divine agape

Is love, selflessly giving,

Is the pure love of God,

Is the chaste love of neighbour.

For Eros, this love

Of the desire for unity,

Was not used for Christ,

Because Eros has often been abused.

For in the culture of the Greeks

Venus was already degraded

To a temple whore

In the harbour of Corinth.

And the son of Aphrodite

Eros was also degraded,

That Eros' works were called

The lust of wild boy-abusers

And the lust of whoremongers,

Who in the harbour of Corinth

Slept with the harlot Lais,

Slept with the whore Thais.

Eros became the epitome

Of a sexuality,

Which has completely detached itself

From the love of the person.

Eros became the epitome

Of a sexuality,

Which, purely animalistic and libidinous

Egoistically desires.

That is why the fathers called

Christ divine Agape,

Called him Dilectio

Or Caritas.

But Eros they called not

Christ, for fear of the vulgar,

Of the vulgar rabble

Of the brothels of Corinth.

Dionysius tells us,

That the teachers of mysticism

Christ also called Eros,

But only to the initiated.

Let not the rabble hear it,

But Christ is Eros,

Who has come from heaven

To take a bride for himself.

Christ is the Eros of God

And the soul is the bride,

Christ wants union

Or communion of love.

Christ as the Eros of God

Is the bridegroom of the soul,

Who wills the soul to be married

Through marriage with God.

Christ's Gospel

Is the marriage with Eros

For the deification of the psyche

Through the communion of love.

Therefore also the saints

On the holy Good Friday

Walk weeping through the world,

Ah, my Eros is crucified!

Therefore also the saints

On Easter Sunday joyful

Rejoicing in the world,

Eros, Eros is risen!

Therefore also the saints

In the godforsaken world

Lament that men do not

Love this Eros of God.

Woe, woe, that my Eros

Is not loved by men!

This Eros loves people,

Wants to lead them to the Godhead.

This Eros is a god,

Who has become a true man,

That through marriage with Eros

Men are so deified.


No one has given himself

This life on earth,

But this life was

Given to us by our God

Through the cooperation of parents.

No one was ever asked

If he too would be born

On the black earth.

But God the Creator wanted

To create our life.

Let us be grateful to the Father,

Let us be grateful to the Mother,

And let us acknowledge the Lord

As the source of our life,

As the firm foundation

Of our existence in creation.

So no one becomes a Christian

By the effort of his own will

And the striving of his spirit,

But being a Christian is a gift.

Christianity is given by the Lord

In the sacrament of baptism,

It is a new birth,

Which is given to us from above.

In the sacrament of baptism

We are born of God,

By the God who is love,

Love of father, love of mother.

What is the foundation of this faith

In the Father of all men,

To whom we are all children,

All men are children?

This faith is based

On the sonship of Jesus Christ,

God's only begotten Son

Namely became a man,

That men might become the children

Of their Father in heaven.

God's Son became man,

Men become children of God.

But in the Church of the East,

Greek Church Fathers

Say, God became man,

That man might become God.

Eve and Adam once wanted

To become like the Godhead itself,

But without God's grace,

But by the hubris of man.

But God became man

In the divine kenosis,

In the descent from heaven

Into the womb of the Virgin Mother,

That man, by the grace of God,

By the most gracious theosis

In the God-man Jesus Christ

Be divinised with grace.

Peter writes in his epistle,

That by the grace of Christ

We may now receive a share

In the Divine Nature.

For when we as Christians

Are transformed into Christ

By the grace of God,

We are deified by the Lord.

But how does the grace 

Of our Lord comes into our soul,

That would transform us

Into the image of the Son of God?

God's grace comes into our souls

Through the sacraments,

Baptism, Confirmation, Confession, Marriage,

Through the sacrament of love,

For when we receive the body of Christ

In the sacrament,

We are, by God's grace.

Transformed into Christ.

Augustine, in fact, said,

Christians should not follow

Christ on the way,

But become Christ himself.

Christ is the God-man,

He is divinity, he is humanity,

And in Christ, humanity 

Is transformed into the Godhead.


When the strong angel of God

Came to Our Lady,

He said, Blessed art thou,

God is with you, Most Gracious.

You shall receive in the womb

God's Word, the Logos of God,

Son of the Most High Father

By the power of the Holy Spirit.

And Mary, woman of strength,

Said to the strong angel,

How shall I become a mother,

For I am a consecrated virgin!

And the strong angel said

To the femina, the strong one,

God's power will overshadow the,

Receive with the ear!

So Our Lady

At the greeting of the strong angel

Has received with the ear

God's word in her soul.

And having thus received

With the ear of her soul,

God's power, the divinity,

God's word in her womb.

And Mary carried the Logos

Within her womb,

Yes, she bore the Corpus Christi

In the temple of her womb.

For Mary's beautiful body

Was the monstrance of the Son of God,

Was the temple of the Holy Spirit,

Masterpiece of the Most High.

And Mary lovingly nourished

Jesus under her heart,

As a monstrance she carried the Corpus

Christi to her neighbours.

Then she gave birth to Christ,

The God-bearer Mary,

Gave God's Word and Wisdom

To all men on earth.

So you too, O soul,

Receive God's word ready,

God's wisdom, which proceeds

From the mouth of the Most High.

Speak only to the God of gods,

Behold, I am thy slave,

I will do thy will,

Live according to thy word.

God's power will overshadow thee,

O soul, handmaid of the Most High,

And thou shalt receive blessed

From the Holy Spirit of God

God's Wisdom in the soul.

Nourish thou within

Christ's body, blood and soul,

Nourish within you Christ

With prayer and new graces,

Let the inward Christ grow,

Feed the Christ within

With the sacrament of love.

If the inner Christ lives in you,

You will become a tabernacle

For the Word of the Most High,

For the beautiful Wisdom of God.

As a monstrance, as a tabernacle

Present Christ on earth,

Present him to the people

As the temple of the Holy Spirit.

And give birth to this Christ

For the people of this earth

And give birth to God's Wisdom

Through your works of charity.

Carry God's Word and Wisdom

To the neighbours on earth

Through a smile of your love

And kindness of heart.

God-bearer, O soul,

Shall you be on this earth,

Carrying Christ to men

By the works of thy love.


Master Eckard had disciples,

Heinrich Seuse was also a disciple,

Servant of the Eternal Wisdom,

His mistress and beloved.

Sister Kathrein was his pupil,

Who also had visions.

Once she was in heaven herself

And there she saw the deity.

But she was not just an eye,

Eternally gazing at the Godhead,

But she enjoyed God,

Uniting with the Godhead.

She did not only unite,

As two persons love each other,

But she had entered

Into the inner being of God.

She was always within

God, in the light of God,

In the fair love of God,

Deep in the nature of the Godhead.

And she said, In the inner being 

Of God, there is nothing but Godhead,

God is within God,

He that is in God, is deified.

Therefore I was god in the Godhead,

I was divinised in divinity.

Indeed I was person and being,

But not human-all-too-human,

Not in fleshly infirmities

A soul full of weaknesses,

With the spirit that darkened

The world can only think and earth,

But my spirit's soul

Was of God by grace alone

Solely through the participation

In the essence of my God.

I myself had become quasi-God,

That I was God in divinity

And in divine knowledge

I knew God in unity.

Peter writes in his epistle,

That through the grace of Christ

We shall once have a share

In the Divine Nature.

What is this, the participation

In the Divine Nature,

Than that our human nature

Is deified in the divinity?

In the divinity is life,

Love in eternity,

In the Godhead is beauty,

Is the glory of the Lord.

In the Godhead is mercy,

In the Godhead is wisdom.

So we shall enjoy

All these hypostases.

Knowledge we shall have in the heavens

Of God as the wisdom of God.

We shall love in the heavens

God as with the love of God.

We shall shine in heaven

Like the glory of the Lord.

Beautiful we are in paradise

Like the beauty of the primeval Godhead.

All the redeemed souls

With the resurrected bodies

Are within the Godhead

And the Godhead is in them.

God's love then is all,

God's love is in all.

And so we become gods

And goddesses in God.

Divinely we will know

The knowledge of our divinity.

Divinely we will be united

With the oneness of our divinity.

And thus we will merge

Divinely with the womb of the Godhead

And there will be in all the heavens

Only God and gods-in-God.


Saint John of the Cross

Speaks in his love songs

Of men in heaven

As of goddesses and gods.

While Nietzsche spoke godlessly

Of the strong superman,

The wise Soloviev spoke

Of the Lord who is God-man.

Through union with Christ

Thus God-manhood comes into being,

Namely wise man-gods,

Beautiful human goddesses.

After the resurrection of the dead

The redeemed souls

In the spiritually transfigured bodies

Will be goddesses and gods.

These goddesses and gods

In the paradise of God,

They move so fast,

Faster even than lightning.

These goddesses and gods

Are even lighter than the fluff

Of a little dove's chick

Or than the flake of snow.

These goddesses and gods

In the spiritually transfigured bodies

Are like crystal in clarity

And in transparency and purity.

These risen bodies are

Like the crystal vases,

In them stands the white lily,

Visible their soul's beauty.

These goddesses and gods

Share in the knowledge of God,

In the universal Wisdom,

And they love each other in God.

These goddesses and gods

Love each other with God's love,

Love each other infinitely, eternally,

Boundless and fervent.

There we meet like gods

And goddesses, different

Hypostases of our God,

This One God-Nature.

There we meet full of goodness

The mercy, the mildness,

Like the womb of God,

Like the uterus of the Godhead.

Wisdom meets us there,

Hagia Sophia,

She appears as an angel-like woman

Clothed in wings of fire.

There we meet grace,

This young charisma of God,

Full of beauty, full of loveliness,

Full of grace, enchantment, charm.

Love meets us there,

This fair love binds

All the goddesses and gods

There with its belt of loveliness.

Beauty meets us there,

The primordial beauty,

All worship beauty,

Beholding it and enjoying it.

Mercy, the gentle one,

Dances there with young Charis,

And Wisdom, like an angel,

Dances round dances with them,

And Fair Love smiles,

Dances with all the hypostases,

The primordial beauty of the divinity

Dances the most beautiful dances.

Choirs of angels, all nine,

Cherubim and seraphim

And the beautiful principalities

Dance all in the heavens.

And the goddesses and gods

All dance with the Godhead,

And the goddesses and gods

Laugh all in the divinity!


What then do all the popes say

And the councils all?

That Mary is the Mother

And the ever-pure Virgin,

That Mary is 

Mother and Childbearer,

Who bore the person

Jesus Christ, our Lord,

That Mary is the Virgin

Before and during childbirth

And after childbirth too

Mary remained a pure virgin,

Immaculately conceived

Is Mary, pre-redeemed

In view of the cross,

Is preserved from all sin,

That Mary ascended

Into God's paradise

With her body and soul

And is already risen.

Some wait for the dogma

That she is the mediatrix

Intercessor-all-power on her knees

And the Coredemptrix.

And the Pius XII said

As the angelic shepherd,

That Mary is risen,

Is risen and gone before us.

Yes, Mary is perfected,

The resurrection of the flesh

Our Lady experienced,

Is already divinised in God.

All pilgrims of the earth

And souls of purgatory

And the blessed of heaven

Now look to Our Lady.

Our Lady is deified,

Goddess she by Christ's grace,

Virgin she in the womb 

Of the Most Holy Trinity.

My chaste Goddess of Grace,

Look, I am at your feet:

May I kiss your feet?

My Goddess of Grace smiles

And I kiss her feet

And the feet are of light,

Are of light spiritual flesh,

And I kiss them fervently.

To the spotless one I say,

My goddess in heaven,

In paradise I want

Thee alone for my bride!

And when I am married in heaven

With Our Lady,

She gives me the pearl of love

And she gives me her son.

Ah, there you are, sweet boy,

Sweet God and dear boy,

You my God and my Lord,

Let me love thee as my child!

Behold, wounds of this earth

Have made it all my offence,

To worship God as my father,

Father I could not say.

But God as my son

I will honour, I will love,

I will sanctify the Son,

Love him as my darling,

Will caress my son,

My son and God's son,

My son, Mary's son,

In marriage with Mary

In the paradise of God

Will I play with the boy,

I want to kiss the boy Jesus

And give him my love.

O Mary, all in all

On the way to the baby Jesus,

I want to be the father of God,

Father to the Son of God!